Porn addict here, trips decides how I castrate myself

Porn addict here, trips decides how I castrate myself.

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Zig Forums shit post server code ------> JG9VxpV

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>this image
fucking kek


Don't do it

Get help

Live in peace

In the words of Jesus if something on your body causes you to sin you better cut that shit off nigga

Porn addiction is not classified as an addiction nor something that needs to be cured here in Canada, so I'm fucked.


boil your balls in water


Then dont watch porn nor mastrubate for the next 10 years lol.



cut your dick, eat it and post videos while dying

cut them off with a knife then mail them to me for unspecified reasons

jk dont do that

I'm not going to die, I take nootropics.

A spoon

with a chainsaw

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Just use elastrator bands OP. But tbh it'd be way more fun if you cut your cock off and left the balls behind. Just do bits at a time. First the glans, then 6 months later a little more off the shaft, and so on until it's gone. THEN you can castrate yourself.

dip them in lukewarm water for 5 minutes

masturbate until it falls off

Kek do it



Take cypro and estrogen and become a qt3.14

I'm fappin just thinkin about it

Another roll!

Re re reroll

Is he supposed to crush his balls between the bricks or something?


Slowly chop off parts of your dick until nothing is left

Rol again

fucking roll niggers


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keep it and suffer

Beat ya to it


Pretty surprised at no trips yet. OP is probably long gone

pitbull blowjob