First time doing mescaline. I got this off the deep web. How do I consume it?
First time doing mescaline. I got this off the deep web. How do I consume it?
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where'd you get it, from Empire? You got a legit onion link bro? Haven't bought in years so old places are dead
No idea about mescaline but have fun
you dont
Empire is down
il suck your dick if you tell me where you got this from
i just tracked it by the typeface on the note enjoy jail incel chud pol tard
What's the latest shithole to order from now?
fuck off FBI
lurk moar
Just learn how to grow mushrooms, its super easy and costs almost nothing
Hoodia is an appetite thing. Not mescaline containing. If you want to trip I need san Pedro or peyote. Here is a link
I'm pretty sure google can help you
I have about 20 san pedro cacti. They're so easy to grow in the SE US. Legal too.
but they grow quite slow, at least in germany
Eat shit schizo
if you're trying to grow its much faster to grow peruvian torch cactus. same species as the san pedro but it grows fast
fuck off FBI
nice pic. this is the best I got from my first time grow. All 4 cakes I got seem to do this, grow like 1-3 sizable ones from the bottom and then stop. dunking helps a little but the same thing happens. after 2 flushes I've only got 3.5 dry. I'm glad I got something but I'll have to try a different method next time.
I never was able getting more than 1 flush, i always getting mold
>, its super easy and costs almost nothing
Fake and gay
I'm drunk, before enlarging this image, I thought it was general greivois
enjoy ur schizophrenia
You have negative imagination I gueaa
How does one proceed with growing them ?
In your asshole
It's the easiest drug to grow.
the easiest way is the PEF-TEK method. google it
Anyone got a guide to safely ordering from DW?
Is this like the pf Tek?
Mix ammonia and bleach in a cup and blow bubbles in it with a straw
oh yeah, sry its pf tek.
its quite easy. you use a spore syringe and have actually no much trouble with contamination
i got the last time from 4 cakes around 13g dryed shrooms. but had just one flush
Fuck perlite. Get a small humidifier.
Thats a little to get started, you need a good pressure cooker and jars grains bags ect but once you have all the stuff the spores cost next to nothing