Tomorrow is early voting in my state. I will be voting for Biden. AMA
Tomorrow is early voting in my state. I will be voting for Biden. AMA
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Which state, and did you vote for Trump or Hillary in 2016?
I'm voting Biden too, no question.
Do you like bbc?
Not OP, but it's a pretty good news source. Much better than fox news, anyway.
Neither I voted for Bernie.
Haha fuck off leech
Anyone with more than half a brain will vote for Biden and get that traitor out of the White House and away from the military troops where he can't do any more damage than he has already done.
Totally agreed.
How meaty is ur cock bro?
Look a voter...
If Biden wins you will be raped by a pack of niggers and you’ll deserve it.
In 2016 Bernie Sanders was the only one worth going to the polls to vote for. Neither Trump nor Clinton were (or are) worth the gas it takes to drive to the poll.
It's a free country in spite of the Dems best efforts, you're allowed to be stupid...
Dude you're a socialist leech. Stop voting for autistic shit
Ah yes, because that's definitely not currently occurring already under Trump.
what do you know about Henry Chandler Cowles?
opinion on diaper girls?
I've always thought of visiting Putinland. How is it over there? Is the borscht soup really as good as they say?
Oh, shut up!
Why is OP always a faggot?
Are you the same guy who makes the white boi threads?
Your boy's falling asleep
Who funnels money to those pack of niggers? Bidens party or Trumps? Who supports them? Who encourages them? Who runs interference for them? Who claims that they're mostly peaceful?
And it's occurring because of Trump (or as I like to call him, "Benedict Donald").
I will tell all my friends to not vote
Hopefully only one guy in the US will vote, it's pointless anyway
It was early voting in GA today and I already voted for biden. Get on my level.
Biden's platform is to increase funding for the police.
Nice, man.
Good for you. As an American citizen it is your right to vote for who you believe will do well. Vote on, user.
Signed. A Trump Supporter.
>stop egging on nonsense. Stop pretending it isn't a right folks. Take that shit back to Zig Forums
Not OP, but I agree.
Yes to control the niggers and miss law and order has put away many niggers to death. Biden has my vote.
> (OP)
you know Trump is president right now right?
I live in Florida. Land of the free.
Military troops? You do realize he’s used our military less than any of his predecessors in the last 40 years, right? Or are you purposely just making shit up on the internet because Trump hurts your feelings?
>shows picture in Trump's America.
inb4 "Democrat City" - it will still be democrat city. How does revoting Trump help? All he's done is stir the hornets' nest.
When you go, take Benedict Donald with you, if he doesn't beat you there.
I'll wager that if Benedict Donald loses (and if there's mercy in the universe, he will lose), he will go to Russia (Putinland) to try to escape his debts and criminal prosecution--unless one of the debts he owes is to Russia.
If he owes Russia or Putin, then he's just fucked, because there will be no place for him to run and hide from his debts or his crimes.
Just mailed a few dozen ballots voting for Biden from the nursing home I work at.
Remember, voter fraud is virtually non-existent.
Biden is a sock puppet for the Communists doing the burning...
Actually true. His one redemption.
Me too bro. My gramps and a few previous owners got some ballets, I sent them all in for Biden. Trumpfags are done.
>Florida. Land of the free.
Did you mean to write, "Land of the FLEA"? (as in sand fleas)
Not me though.
Federalism is a thing, ever notice that the worst of the murder-riots are all happening in Dem controlled cities that refuse to stop their shit?
fake and gay
Seethe trumpcuck
Welcome to the club biden bro
You've got it backwards, user.
Putin is a communist. Russia is a communist nation. Benedict Donald's puppeteer is Putin--the guy who put a bounty on the heads of American troops while Benedict Donald sucked up to him--so it's Benedict Donald who is the puppet for the communists.
then your a clueless as Biden is
Hunter Biden Burisma and Corruption Report
TRDL: Hunter Biden and the Biden family are crooks
Bidens team caught ballot havresting in texas
Ilhan Omar connected Ballot Harvester in cash-for-ballots scheme: "Car is full" of absentee ballots
Omar Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for General Election Ballot."We don't care illegal."
Oh look an antifa type
>your clueless
Even your meme sounds like Benedict Donald! The only reason Benedict Donald didn't kill anyone is because he would have been ousted, prosecuted, and thrown into prison if he had tried it. Instead, he opted for putting children in concentration camps, separating them from their mothers; and committing treason.
How progressive of you to forgive his pedophilia
your clueless