My brother is really into shoes and is going to let me borrow a pair for a date, which of these are the least gay?
My brother is really into shoes and is going to let me borrow a pair for a date, which of these are the least gay?
Red ones are based
yeah he was telling me they're a special Jordan 1, like $500 on the "kicks market"
They’re all high tops so they are all gay
; but if I had to choose, i would go with the vans. It also depends on your pants. Jeans work for all of them but khakis would really only work for the vans, converse, and mostly white nikes
Red seems sus
I really like these Jordan 5s he has but I'm 28, idk if I could get away with these
Red ones in the back are the best. Wear a red shirt or a shirt with red in it preferably black with red
>mostly nike
>mostly hightop
Found the black user
arent shoes supposed match your outfit? how are we supposed pick when we dont know the rest of what youre wearing?
nah I'm white, so is my brother
Figured I'd start with the shoes then go from there. Thinking the Jordan 1s with this nice red/white checkered Ralph Lauren button-down I have.
Wear your own shoes, all these are fucking terrible. Your brother takes nigger dick up the ass and dresses like a teenager.
the black red jordans would've been my pick too. but I'm kinda biased because I love that model.
vans and converse are for cum guzzling gays
Thirded. Who the fuck wears basketball shoes on a fucking date?! Jesus, it's no wonder most of this board has never touched a titty.
Personally, I think this shoe collection is kinda... bad
White high top vans are the freshest there
Wear the Vans/Chucks unless you're fat, then wear the black/red
take the black j's, fancy but also subtle. colors are gay
i do and i have sex
Leather dress shoes, they look good even with jeans
Streetwear fashion fag here, show me what you plan on wearing first. Shoes make or break an outfit, and since you're not too shoe savvy and shit, I'm curious what you had in mind to wear. I wanna help
Your brother has trash taste in shoes, just saying.
Unless your date is a sneakerhead your shoes won't matter.
Are you over 18 and not melanin enhanced?
the black with golden or the converse besides it
Just remember,
You're going to have to get into shoes yourself if you're going to keep this ruse going.
Wear the nice shoes. Might get a little dick touch if girl is impressed by/into that sort of thing. Have to build out a shoe collection of your own. Can't wear same shoe over and over if that is the type of image you want to pursue/woman you want to attract.
Wear your own shoes. Maybe less chance of dick touch if girl is into that sort of thing.