> Migrants from Africa can freely enter Europe and stay there for life, receiving government housing and assistance > If an American/White person tried that he'd get deported and probably go to prison
Anyone else think this is unfair as fuck? Why the fuck are they allowed to go to Europe with no passport or visa, yet we're stuck in this shithole country? We can stay 30 days before being deported by the fucking world police. Dumb as fuck, I just want out...
No what does dilate mean? Like why do you say it? Is it some fag thing? I'm not gay so I don't know about a lot of gay shit user.
Michael Thomas
Literally get the fuck off of this website retard.
Michael Nelson
If you can come up with around €10,000 (generally a bit less), Americans can obtain long term legal residency in the EU. There are also work visas, marriage visas, student visas, lots of ways for Americans to live in Europe.
Ayden Wilson
No why do you say dilate though? Is it some gay thing? It seems like maybe you don't even know now and you're parroting things you heard people you think are cool say?
Mason Turner
Fuck off redditfag
Ryan Phillips
>an educated middle class American needs to pay 10k to get in >but dumb monkeys from Africa with no real life skills outside of rape and murder can come in for free
cope cause africans are more desirable than americoons
Jacob Garcia
What's reddit?
David Murphy
some of you americans are entitled pieces of shit, you need to realise that the same set of rules applies to europeans going to america as well fuckin idiots, whole world is laughing at you probably one of those zero life primary school dropouts who managed to get access on Zig Forums and got fat as fuck, now posting shit here
William Smith
Wew lad, I may hate America but at least I'm not coping this hard lmao.
>imagine liking social parasites that doesn't contribute with anything You're fucked beyond repair, here's your (you)
Landon Bailey
Please tell me you're from some Scandinavian country because if you're from some shithole like Britain then you're worst than us in every way
Carson Williams
No he said he liked africans not american wasteoids. Africans at least work. It's why you used them as slaves while you sat on your ass.
Evan Richardson
Quads confirm.
John Gomez
You murricans are cancer, that´s why also... >bread
Isaac Martin
>> Migrants from Africa can freely enter USA and stay there for life, receiving government housing and assistance >> If a European/White person tried that he'd get deported and probably go to prison
Brody Nguyen
"Africans at least works" kek Over 90% unemployment in the worst Somalian Communities in my city. They're also super overrepresented in violent crime and sexual crimes like aggravated sexual assault. Their Clan bs is designed to leach the state of every welfare penny they can get. It's super common that have more than 3 kids just for the extra money, then they claim to divorce to get a new apartment for the wife or husband. Once they get that new apartment, they move back in together and rent the new apartment out to some other Somalian who's doing the same scam. God, I hated working with the Somalians when I was in the municipality... I'm in Sweden if I didn't say it already
Aiden Campbell
Eh don't worry, democrats are all about open borders. Once biden wins the US will be a shithole like our glorious mother europe will be.
Only a small amount of time before those lucky retards know how shite this is by firsthand account.