finally time i think. dubs decides how.
Finally time i think. dubs decides how
old age
Jump from the tallest building and target at a person while falling, just like the game called, “Skate 3” that you can do styles while falling, I recommend you to play it before actually trying it.
Jump from a mountain
oh shit, let’s go
and we have a winner. yeeting myself off a tall building was actually my favorite idea so far.
Fire. Like a pig.
don't... but if you gonna do,at least livestream it
wont be a very good livestream. plus im a traditionalist, suicide note and then off i go
ok bro but please dont fucking do that,ik life is very fucked up but you can handle it,just try to be relax,listen mike mago's remix, just listen me man do that
nah, im a terrible person. world will be a lot better without me, ive thought long and hard on this.
you will be glad u did
livestream it !
tell me why ? i did terrible things too,but past is past,even if its 1 day ago.
havnt been so far.
Just don't. You've got so much to live for, and I know this as a previously severely depressed person. It gets better, and you'll have so much good to experience!
good people will fix the world man,i see that you are not that bad guys,because bad guys dont feel guilty about their actions etc.there are bad people and good people,we are good people dude,dont do it
whats so bad about you, since its your final days you shouldn't bother telling
I always find myself mesmerized by posts and comments like this. On one hand it may be fake and the guy's just having a laugh, but on the other he may be serious and this would have some real life implications to it. People write kys and shit with such ease and don't consider the consequences of their actions, which can be death in this case. Idk do you get pleasure knowing that this guy possibly read your comment and killed himself cause u said "kek jump and die u pussy".
Either way don't do it faggot, suicide is never the option.
i have a job that i hate, a family that i only burden, i have treated my friends like shit and pushed away everyone in my life, i have been negative and manipulative and a genuine shitbag. i have entered friendship groups constantly throughout my life with the only outcome being that they hate me and turn me away because they learn about the kind of person i am. i have tried for the last 6 years to be a better person and resolve my issues with no resolve. i cannot do it anymore and i cannot cope with being alone. i want everything to stop.
I got 0 friends man,you are still lucky,
find new friends
Have you tried not being a self centred asshole? Just an idea, either you can change and be enjoyable to be around or you stay stubborn and continue down the self destruct route. It's not that hard to change if you are the sort of person who recognizes their own shortcomings.
That would be awesome.
Kinda tired of them always returning the day after and asking again for new methods.
You should take the board less seriously. Most of this people seeks for attention. Most of them are actually retards that thrive for something telling to them they are worthy anyhow. Truth is they are not, for if you're here asking for suicide tips it argues you're probably a very sad loser to begin with. But if you let yourself advice and actually do it because /b told you so, well.. nothing of value was lost anyway.
Now you can go back to your safe spot, which is ler*ddit, where this attitude is discouraged.
correct, nothing of value will be lost :)
> Get a parachute that says Biden2020
> Rent a convertible sports car.
> have a massive feed of Mexican food until you are near bursting .
> Put on an assless fursuit
> Take a massive dose of powerful laxatives
> Shove a dildo up your ass to stopper yourself up for a while .
> Superglue the base of the dildo to your seat.
> Fire your favorite firearm into the air in front of a police station.
> High speed chase ensues
> Lead the police out into the desert
> Wait for the media to show up with their helicopters.
>Tie parachute cord around neck and throw a brick on the accelerator
>Deploy parachute that will snap your neck and parasail your lifeless corpse in an assless fursuit while you are spraying shit everywhere under a canopy that says "Biden 2020"
british im afraid
OP, become a schizo like this user, once your life revolves entirely on politics you won't care anymore for any pain, you'll just want out the quicker the better.
satanic trips of truth