Which one of you retards is telling people the vaccine causes infertility? >Literal fake news

Which one of you retards is telling people the vaccine causes infertility? >Literal fake news

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The vaccine itself is fake news.

Cats having autism is fake news.

Cats don't exist.

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Don't blame autistic people for anti-vaxxers. Autistic people aren't stupid. Autism is more a communications disorder than a learning disorder.

Learning is pretty difficult if you don't receive information and process information the same way as everyone else.

There are autistic people whose learning process is deciphered who have become virtual prodigies in their respective fields of research.

It probably came from /x/. Maybe Zig Forums.

Autism doesn't exist..

Someone posted a link to an article that the Chinese one, Sinovac, caused some infertility but Google and Bing only talk about debunking the Pfizer vaccine causing infertility. And obviously I couldn't think to save it, cause autistic, and now there's zero evidence of it

>Chinese one, Sinovac, caused some infertility
Yeah, that sounds about right.

Then what did I fuck behind the Wendy's dumpster

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Billl gates is trying to euthanise humanity. Dont take the fast food pill

None of these are complete solutions to the problem in themselves but they all decrease the likelihood of transmission, moreover when employed together. Surely you understand how viruses work

Neither zoomers nor millennials want to have kids anyway so isn't this a good news?

you should stay home, don't drive, don't visit friends, stay alone.

As long as your mom keeps coming over it sounds good to me

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Todd Howard

You know what, you're right

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The internet and as we know, everything on the internet is true.

You there, you're finally awake.

Just take it goy


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>War Room With (((Owen Shroyer)))

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top kek

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kill yourself you stinky indian faggot retard

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This doesn’t back up any of its claims. Total shite.