How is /b feeling tonight?
How is /b feeling tonight?
I really want to jerk off but everything that used to get me hard is now not working anymore
Expand your tastes, get experimental
like a raccoon in a toilet.
this dog brings me joy.
Got to see what a stripped hoof looks like... And I'm having trouble getting it out of my head.
Just left that thread too. It's not that bad. New guy, huh? You'll see worse. Here, here's something nice cause you're a cutie.
yeah it's not good. in real life or on this terrible website?
btw OP here is better version. pls. if you're gonna do it, do it right.
would you show me the way pls? im curious
thanks user, ill be careful next time
Samefag here, I mostly browse /trash/ and can handle gore but I guess. I'm a little too warm blooded right now for seeing a stripped hoof. It just looked so fucking weird, like a fucked up paint brush or something. Hell I've watched red asphalt 2 (for those califags out there) and seen some pictures of what happens to folks in fatal car wrecks. One pic literally looked like a pair of dentchers in a bowl of cherry Jell-O. Also I'm pretty tire yet not at the same time before I saw the pic of the hoof.
Look for a thread that says "show me something genuinely fucked up" that's all I can really show you way wise.
bored, tired but unable to sleep
no look hoof. look at кoт
is my real one, his wonder is palpable
Trump won
Ditto Zig Forumsro
"waywise" is a good word that should exist.
Every night I tell myself I should try to go to sleep a little earlier and then I never do.
Instead of beating yourself up ask yourself what causes you to not go to bed when the time comes and then put yourself in a situation where you are more likely to do it. If that doesn't work look at what happened without being angry at yourself and repeat the process.
Thanks user I appreciate it. I'm basically a constant ball of frustration, but I'm working on it. Acknowledging it is the first step. I'm still getting through it.
Wish me luck user
Hope Trump gets the W somehow, would make things very interesting to see. Not a Americanfag btw
This. And also I've been sleeping fairly early nowadays and its honestly worth it. Waking up from one of those good sleeps really get you going
Good luck innocentfag
don't be a shit he's enjoying proper sleep regimen.
keep it up user, don't let people drag you down.
Extremely depressed. At this point I am intentionally spending lavishly just so my high credit card debt is something to live for. For whatever reason I don’t want to kill myself until I pay off my credit cards. The problem is I am so diligent at making payments that I always pay off even the massive stuff within three months at most. So then I buy more just to have more to avoid the inevitable moment when I’ll off myself.
This year I bought a 4k LG Oled tv, a playstation 5, a rtx 3080, spent thousands commissioning a comic to be made, bought god knows how many modded game consoles, clothes, memberships to organizations I have no intentions of visiting, even a god damn Zig Forums pass. All things I never use and had no intention of using. I’m just wasting money so I don’t have to figure out how to kill myself because I’m such a failure that I know I’ll somehow fuck up in suicide
kinda feeling down right now.
It'll get better user
user, you're just living in the character development stage of your life. But also try the dating scene, or get a pet something that can give you unconditional love. What keeps me going is my niece and trying by best to be a decent uncle.
damn, OP here, honestly idk why you're making your own existence painful by forcing a reason to live. You're making a reason to live that you dont even want, you're digging further down. It's better to find a proper goal that you can strive to, something that will benefit you mentally and something you find joy in doing. If you're spending all this money, spend it on things that'll make you a better person. Head up king, we're all gonna make it
i honestly hope so
I have 4 dogs, three of which I purchased this year along with three 40 gallon fish tanks, on top of spending thousands starting and killing a garden.
I’ve dated more women than I should have. Since 2013 I felt like “love” would give me reason to live. But it hasn’t. Every relationship has felt hollow. Sex is always me thinking of other things, spacing out from my overall displeasure. I’ve hurt countless women with my inability to reciprocate any true feelings of affection. My most recent relationship ended in October and I literally just shrugged after she sent me her break up text.
I have 3 very young siblings, the oldest being 5 years old. I play a very strong role in their lives, but I know that not only do they not care that much about me, they’d forget I even existed if I disappeared for more than a day.
Everything I have ever tried in life has ended in colossal failure. I graduated from high school an entire year early only to fail out of college on four different occasions before finally paying someone to pretend to be me to get an associates. That’s right, I couldn’t even manage to get into a university.
I worked as a marketer for several companies, and was fired in less than a year at all of them. I’ve never lasted longer than 1 year at any job. I tried to be a writer in college and my professors literally demanded I drop the course.
I attempted to break into the animation industry only to be told “your stuff is great, but it’s not an adaptation or reboot which is all we’re really buying and you’re not established enough to sell anything original.”
I applied for a foreign university and seemingly moved mountains to obtain the letters of recommendation, only to be rejected without explanation.
And those are just some of the many blunders in my life. Every single thing I try fails, and unlike the average person in my spot, I try extremely hard at everything. I aim for the stars and always fall