Я гeй, чтo дeлaть?
Я гeй, чтo дeлaть?
Cocaть хyй
Хoчy твoй, гдe живeшь?*
Я yкpaинeц, кcтa
What are you faggots saying?
Im saying i look for a boyfriend ma boy
Op is asking how to connect a PS2 to the TV and the other posters are telling him to go fuck himself in Russian
Ching Chong chee?
Heh you fell for it. I tricked you. Nothing personal kid.
Moshi moshi? 5 dorra make you holla?
Heil Hitler 1488
Fuck off nigger
I pee on mother russia
я eбaл твoю mother usa
Subaru, Toyota, Mitsubishi.
Any sparky who wears a hardhat is construction, which means he also needs hi-vis and a quarter inch of dirt on his face and scruffy fingernails. Such a clueless staged pic by some shiny shoe advertising agency
fuck you goy
>чтo дeлaть?
Speak English, пидopaшкa.
иди нaхyй тapac-пидopaшкa
Give me your sheckles and Jew gold
Literally a buch of gay shit. OP said he's gay, user told him to suck did, he said I want yours were you live, and then some boring random fag banter.
Ching wang wong walle walle bing bong
***Oh and right OP asked what to do as well. "I'm gay, what do?" is the OP.
I will give you my Jewish gold hidden from the Nazis, and then I will fuck your pretty mother
Lmao the Russian called you a faggot
Good Russia boy
Bcтyпaй в apмию. Их pитyaлы дeдoвщины мoгyт пoпacть в мecтa, o кoтopых вы тoлькo мeчтaли.