Why aren't you black yet? What possible excuse do you have for being white?
Why aren't you black yet? What possible excuse do you have for being white?
I looked in the mirror.
All these sluts need to be executed
>Why aren't you black yet? What possible excuse do you have for being white?
Becuse I'm a sissy. Sissies are required to be white.
>Perfect girls don't exi-
what in tardnation is this thread
All these threads are made by trannies and sissy gay guys. No exception.
>a bunch of white cucks got their girlfriends to indulge in their own perversions
>”SEE! I told you so!”
Nice try faggot
cope a dope
It's fucking over for the white race
i'm a white female that's actually into interracial sex and i think most the interracial threads on here are absolute cringe because 99% of them have a sissy/tranny theme. it's creepy and wierd.
>i'm a white female that's actually into interracial sex
Any tips for how I can encourage my sister to get blacked?
tell your dad, take a punch from a real man and then reform your life
Any tips for how I can encourage my sister to get bleached?
Lol that’s all you can say, meanwhile my fat white cock has made women of all color soaking wet, I even see it in the eyes of Indian girls, especially when they are with their overbearing, insecure boyfriend or husband
It's winter, the skys have been nothing but a wall of clouds for months. What the hell do I need melanin for right now?
Shut up chink
Ignore the psyop thread
Ignore the psyop thread
Ignore the psyop thread
Bahaha I bet niggers and cucks make these posts.
Niggers make them so they feel better about being unattractive to white women.
cucks makes them to have a fantasy of some gangly nigger fuckin a white girl.
News flash, the majority of white people in general do not find black people attractive.
Niggers are primitive.
I like not having to worry about getting shot by cops
Doubt it
yesss all whitebois should be locked