Thoughts on MGTOW (men going their own way) basically guys who have been divorce raped, cheated on...

Thoughts on MGTOW (men going their own way) basically guys who have been divorce raped, cheated on, falsely accused of or were wronged by women.
Incels in disguise or guys who genuinely have had it?

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Men with the mindset of teenagers. They blow everything out of proportion and are part of the attention seeking whore crowd.

All of the above. Also men who are learning from the mistakes of others.

At first, I thought the idea of a "boys support boys" community sounded cool, but it's really sad. They just sit around and blame women for all of society's problems. They're like the blue haired feminists of guys

Sounds like incel bait for people super insecure about their masculinity or sexuality and put way too much effort into antagonizing others instead of self improvement. Also sounds like Blue Lives Matter but for the #metoo movement, kinda mute and laughable

>Thoughts on MGTOW
25+% of men are child molesters

Yeah, they are basically the feminists of men.

Both groups are pretty sad.

The idea of MGTOW is fairly solid, just like the idea of feminism.

In action however the players in those groups are extremely cringe.

What a load of shit. They say they learn from the mistakes of other men but anyone with half a brain knows that's their excuse for not getting involved. MGTOW are sexually blackpilled old children.

Excuse? No, it's the reason for not getting involved. Only an idiot would associate with women in today's world.

Men Getting Triggered Over Women

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Enjoy your lonely sad life where you hate women, minorities, are jealous of your friends for having circles with women and minorities in the, and refusing to express yourself or grow as a person in fear of ruining your virginity or sense of pride

I dont know what must be limper, your wrist or your dick.

A male support group thing would be pretty cool. If it was about self improvement anyways. But unfortunately the minute you want a guy only thing, angry feminists turn you into a mysoginost.

"hope she sees this bro"

Men are actually perfectly happy when single. Happier than in a relationship anyway, on average. I do hate women and think that muslims have it right when it comes to their treatment, but most mgtow types don't. I'm also not a virgin, actually having been with women is the entire reason why I hate them. Are you done?

Hope your boyfriend sees this bro.

>Men are actually perfectly happy
Roflmao. Why are ppl so dishonest with themselves?

I have a girlfriend and I don't live with her because it's fucking unbearable to be arounder her 24/7.

Have you even ever been to soc, adv, or r9k? Men without women are miserable.

>I have a girlfriend and I don't live with her
Just come.out already u fucking fag

if you didn't find a wife in school it's over and everything you do now is a cope

Whats wrong with remaining single? It doesn't necessarily mean you'll get rid of all women in your life. You sound asinine.

>Men without women are miserable
Men with women are also miserable. Just a different type of misery

there are men-only support groups, but many of them dont subscribe to the MGTOW idea. Also they don't care what feminists say, but focus on the male perspective. Which, in my opinion, really isnt about MGTOW but about overcoming abuse of men by women - and also overcoming abuse of women by men. You always need to look at it both ways.

Imagine thinking males on r9k, soc, and adv are functioning masculine men. Those bots are teens angsty over not getting gamer girl bathwater.

are you 10 or already a teenager?

Spectrum user detected

I know Zig Forums is full off retards that refuse to look deeper into anything but I've been in therapy tracking my misogyny back to repressed sexual abuse by my mother and her sister.

most of them are unhappy. Some may be ok. For those the MGTOW thing might work.

...that's the whole point of a group of men supporting other men? instead of waking up in the morning and feeling sorry for myself for not having a woman in my life why not focus all that energy onto something more important.

bro you're using soc, adv or r9k the sorriest men in the world lurk and post there. It's not different from telling you that the other day I had a garbage Burger from McDonalds.

>basically guys who have been divorce raped, cheated on, falsely accused of or were wronged by women.
No that's not who incels are.
Incels are post-adolescent to mid-twenties males who've never even had a chance of getting laid due to their lack of real human contact and social exposure. They're spergs, autists, physically unattractive and hygienically challenged. They believe in the meme fantasy world and their irl looks reflect and confirm it. MGTOW is just a cowardly excuse/justification for not even trying.

I don't know if I was mgtow or anything but I had no interest in dating anyone after a couple horrible back to back relationships. I turned down women every time over 6 years. Eventually a really nice girl with my interests abd similar worldviews came by and we got married. I'm sure most of these guys would be able to spot that as well, ya?

Woman are shit tho, most of them are insecure and with dick size complex.

Cope group for beta males that dont know how to lead their woman.

It's not entirely their fault, so many modern men were never taught how to handle women and are now suffering because of it.

>You sound asinine
Maybe. Maybe not. But I'm not your problem. U are your problem

your an idiot

Holy projection

>soc, adv, or r9k
Males yes, but men? No.

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Relationships and marriage do not lead to lasting happiness for men like it does for women. Educate yourself.

I dont care about mgtow im just here to read all the comments from dumb ignorant queers that cant into what it actually is and just call all of them incels wrongly to cope with the fact they are still cuckqueers chasing pass themselves around used up sluts.

so far the thread has delivered tons of ignorant queers wrongly labeling mgtow as expected

>that dont know how to lead their woman.
Blatant narcissism.
Sounds like you fit in with these people

>Educate yourself
Take your own advice

But the problem is that if you try to 'lead' your woman like you're supposed to, it may lead to allegations of abuse, which will ruin your life regardless of whether it's actually true.

t. riggered

>Woman are shit tho, most of them are insecure and with dick size complex.
Psyop Installation 100% complete.

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Damn I didnt realize I was mgtow. I better go tell my wife to pack her shit

Joining an online support community identified by initials is not "going your own way."

Mgtow is pronounced (mig-toe) correct? Since twitch just banned simp & incel, I'm sure a lot of people are looking for a new word to all those incels and simps.

If you cant lead a girl without beating her in a tard rage or mental/verbal abuse you're still a child

Yet you seem to have a bit of emotional attachment to this subject. Please tell us more...

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His Adams apple is surprisingly the most disturbing looking thing.