Drawthread: Aquaphilic Necromancy Edition

Drawthread: Aquaphilic Necromancy Edition

Attached: 1607986861101 cobra2.png (1552x1776, 386.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting Yin tackling (and getting cumflated) by a few cum filled candy canes.

Attached: is your date ending.jpg (582x716, 191.52K)


Requesting a modern take on Queen La

Attached: la.jpg (2578x1619, 943.56K)

I hate that new Christmas ads
Please moot come back

Repeat cancer recently returned avoid avoid.
Long history harassing artists.
Was banned from some Zig Forums boards and only back because new isp.

Requesting Derby sending a "cleavage" pic to some unassuming guy asking him for titty pics.

Attached: 1566526632186.png (1077x2000, 914.5K)

Damn that's bad

no one even knows what cumflated even means anyhow so they get nothing

cum inflation

sounds very deviantart tier

Requesting a parody of the left comic Millie from Helluva Boss teasing a random Priest or user

Attached: 1574526514380.jpg (2270x1194, 560.9K)

It is

Speedy05 is their name, they have a Paheal with thousands of free drawings from here.
They used to get drawings every so often but their reputation combined with the fact that there aren't as many artists visiting these threads anymore has left him high and dry so to speak, as he returned a few weeks ago and still no one has touched his cancer request.
It is.

their next request is going to probably be a sanic oc donutsteel.

Attached: 57898rtg49083h7d191837504.png (600x766, 241.44K)

Funny man

>still no one had touched
>got this in october
what's your point?

Attached: 1d41b4b16c5799a6.png (900x800, 215.37K)

Requesting Jade Chan riding a dick

Attached: chan.jpg (2268x1807, 1.14M)

don't you have en entire board to yourself?


seconding this

Don't second me

Attached: boink.jpg (554x554, 35.38K)

I am saying no one has touched his CURRENT request. And its been weeks now. My point is they will be hard pressed to get as many drawings as they used to here because everyone knows him now plus we dont get as many artists as we did compared to when Speedy was in full swing fiveish years ago.
He does over on atechan so WHY the fuck they are coming back here is beyond me. He has loli artists wrapped around his finger over there like the suckers they are. He is scum here but a king over there.

but i want to see her getting dicked too

Attached: 87897587647781821f4905yh5921r.gif (234x200, 54.19K)

Requesting a prequel to this pic with Sasha giving Twig a blowjob.

Attached: 93FAE707-77C8-4A8A-9122-C20FB48E74A8.png (1360x1087, 1.99M)


Requesting her in this Christmas bikini

Attached: xmasnight.jpg (4001x2283, 1.41M)


Requesting marceline(adventure time) hugging oskar(pic related) and saying "what a cute little sucker" while oskar having a embarrassed expression

Attached: 567123456(2).png (884x1587, 1.61M)

while that is well drawn i cringe because western shit doesn't belong on pixiv


Another. Keep it fresh.

Attached: 46c93250a71c5405476146dfddb4beb9.png (462x632, 39.4K)

requesting go back to what ever cave you crawled out of

Requesting her snorkeling and being drowned by frogmen hitmen.

/R/ please replace Ami (left) with Lucy Loud (right) please

Attached: F169675D-5C8D-4D98-8C75-73DBC286685C.jpg (1280x960, 369.12K)

You're welcome

Requesting this scene with the girl on the left side

Attached: brat.jpg (2110x1672, 797K)


penny from secret squirrel is the superior option

Attached: yee.png (600x960, 758.56K)