why are niggers genuinely stupid as fuck? is it just one or two things? or is it everything?
I personally blame 90% of their nigger-IQ on their culture. you know the one that gives them brownie points towards big 90 inch ebony ass when they kill someone they want to school with
Niggers are stupid because they're poor. Poverty ruins IQ, many studies show that. Poverty creates a social environment that makes people more stupid on average. Niggers are poor because all their ancestors were poor going as far back as slavery so their wealth creation takes a fucking while because they started at zero. Niggers would be doing better within a country with an equality of opportunity based capitalist market. The US isn't that. Therefor niggers do bad and stay poor and stay niggers.
god damn cuhhh you think giving them the greatest level of educational programs/teachers/resources that the world has ever seen would do anything though honestly? you REALLY think these niggers would take that opportunity and stop killing each other to impress large-assed nigger-bitches?
the weight falls on their stinky nigger scalps and shoulders /thread