I am a de-transitioning transgender

I am a de-transitioning transgender

41, 5’5.5”, 148 pounds

Other than cut my hair shorter how else can I look more masculine?

Ask me anything

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Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Remember when you were looking for attention, talking about those black guy were going to kill me so fucked all of them..... Yeah okay......

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Build a time machine and be born a male.

I'm going to a different state tomorrow for a few weeks because they literally plan to pick me up again but this time they are saying its for the entire weekend and a few more of their friends want to participate, srs

I had just hidden your thread when I saw your putrid face again. God damn it.

Do you have any upskirt jerking photos or videos we can have?! Please!!!

Other than you should get on testosterone replacement therapy TRT, and cut the hair much shorter. You will feel amazing on test.

Wild you still take dick like a good girl?

For a start you could stop posting the same shitty thread every day.

OP is a humungous faggot. srs

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jesus. it's you again. so you wanna change back now? grow a beard