Why the media and famous people is trying so hard to shove the gay pill down on our throats?

Why the media and famous people is trying so hard to shove the gay pill down on our throats?
I'm sick of fags and homos everywhere and I'm not even a homophobic (at least i wasn't) but now I believe this gay dictatorship is going too far and is not about tolerance anymore, they just think everyone should be gay by now.

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Because if they don't they lose their jobs. Simple.

But who is behind them?

dont act like anybody in the world is forcing you to suck cock. sexual deviancy has its 15min in the sun right now because its a hot topic but still accepted enough that you risk nothing by endorsing it. this will pass and people will move on to some other shit. just look away if you're not interested because it has no bearing on your life whatsoever

A voice of reason in this dark place?

wise words man, ignoring this whole circle of insanity is the best way to lower it's marketability and hasten it's eventual death

I can't ignore cause I live in a big city, every simple act is considered homophobic.

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if you're seeing homos everywhere that's a you problem.
no, it's not. again you're projecting. if everyone is calling you a homophobe it's not without reason.

why do you make multiple cringe posts condemning homosexuality every single day?

I'm gay and I feel like you're more obsessed with gays than even I am.

could you provide an example of a "simple act"?

thats bs and you know it

They think that its okay I'm planning on "accedently" hitting faggot on pride month with my care fuck faggots they are disgusting inhuman retards that need to either be enslaved or hunted especially those trannies they are absolutely fucked in the head "oh you cant inject cows with hormones but its okay when I do it" fuck there thought process we need a new hitler this is just intolerable


Stop mooching off mama and your girlfriend and maybe you'd stand on your own feet

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I wish they would just want to be ignored, i can and have always done that. But yeah its revenge time for "being oppresed ( everyone elses natural disgust)" and forced friendship.

Im very over it.

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Is that bo burnham?

I’m literally a nazi so I’m all for it mango

is it just me or is akira really, really cute?

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No, what you're describing is literally homophobia.

Normalizing a thing that is a real part of the world is a fiscally reasonable thing to do. More people are tolerant than intolerant, despite what you see in here and on Fox. Including some diversity gets them more money. Avoid them if you don't like them. Chill.

Hollywood elites and actors are fags dude. Dont you remember drama class in high school? Fags. Fags that got power and money, and are hell bent on making us accept their perverse lifestyle.

Fuckin fags.

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i want to manhandle akira!
no homo tho

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Got any bret corrigan?

Do you like mayonnaise?

reported to the fbi. tell your mom to expect a visit to her basement.

it's profitable

He is right. Ive never bought a coffee from starbucks..im not gay. But i saw the rainbow flag on the drive through window across a parking night and it forced me to think of two hairy men fucking. It was right below black lives matter sticker too. It both were half the drive thru window area. I know when i go get coffee ( which i dont ) i love to be condesended to about revolting sex acts and a terrorist organization that shoots cops, and warnly smile and nod at the barrista who does the same, then smirk as i pull away knowing the future is ours. NOT OBNOXIOUS AT ALL.


Sure is. Markets are never wrong. We get what we deserve ultimate. Until straight people start boycotting gay sex being forced into there lives. Nothing will change..after all i gave a gay cousin and he gets fucked up the ass in front of me every 10 feet as i move about town. Im sure there is an AR coming out for that soon.