Hey Zig Forums what video games are you playing right now?

hey Zig Forums what video games are you playing right now?

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Borderlands 2

Hearthstone and I hate myself for playing this shitty luck based game

I restarted my Animal Crossing New Horizons Island so ive been playing that and a bit of FFXIV when I can. 2077 was installed but its just a bit too buggy for my taste

command and conquer tiberian sun

Ghost of Tsushima

WoW, Shadowlands just came out

Have you ever played a this great game called Life? It's about moving out of your Mom's basement and getting a job - not that you would know anything about that. Just keep playing your video games at the expense of your dignity, you pathetic man-child.

video games are for children

this, so much this

is it multiplayer?

Cyberpunk 2077
World of Warcraft
Dead By Daylight

Hot take, also trying to get back into my Warhammer hobby

No need for the unwarranted hostility. Let's keep this as a wholesome thread, user

This this this

Quit vidya cold turkey back in 2014 when I realized I wasted half of a beautiful saturday trying to play gta online and it was buggy as fuck and I took a tard rage, sold every piece of vidya to neighbor kid for $50. Best thing I ever did, and made a lot of positive changes in my life

Fuck video games

Sorry. Did that strike a chord with you? Allow me to console you like the man-child you are. There, there, poor baby. ;)

fuck off roastie

This fucking guy lol

I've been playing monster train, it's like slay the spire, but enough different mechanics to keep me interested.
Don't have much time for vidya these days though, too busy with work, so something I can pick up for half an hour every few days is about all I can do.

Maybe you're just sitting there, reading guns'n'ammo, masturbating in your own faeces, do you just stop and go, "Wow. It is amazing how fucked up I really am."

harvest moon and drakengard 3

Thank you for aptly replying to the topic at hand by being a colossal faggot normie. Have a nice day outside, drink some bud lite

hitman II

Gunfire Reborn, the bird is a fun character

destiny 2

World of Warcraft, Indivisible, Prominence Poker, and SFV.

Team fortress 2

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1. I have job and playing games isn't my fulltime hobby anymore, but i am not really more productive. If anything, spending time to play good game feel much better than just wasting time fapping or mindlessly browsing web.

2. There is literally nothing wrong with playing some videogames from time to time. Admittedly, it is hobby that can take over your entire life which is not healthy.

3. In the middle of pandeminc, staying at proverbial mom's basement and playing videogames is probably reasonable way to spend time.

So instead of having a life outside as you said you’re posting on Zig Forums? Sounds like your life is much better than ours

Cyberpunk 2077
I don't care what people say - i expected story driven RPG with interesting characters (and didn't really cared about much else) and got just that, so i am really happy.
Sure, it would benefit from bit more polish, but so far i encountered nothing game-breaking.

I've been playing through DMC3 as Vergil again

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>has a superiority complex because they don't play vidya
yall sound like the people who brag about not drinking or smoking. what kind of nigger comes on a wholesome thread to spread their faggotry

Dj max respect. Into those Korean wifu games