Are parents a 100% to blame for how a child turns out?

are parents a 100% to blame for how a child turns out?

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no, that's stupid

Not really user. Parents steer their child's development. If they are assholes, failures, rejects it's because their parents didn't intervene and corrected it. Nurture is largely responsible for how a person turns out.

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Not 100% but it is a large factor.

According to David Chase, yes.

>Nurture is largely responsible
yeah but saying 100% is stupid.

>mental illness
>educational attainment
Just off the top of my head, all of these are mostly heritable. You're just salty cuz you're a failure and are looking for someone to blame.

She seems like she could be a perfectly nice person. I dont understand why you chose this picture, OP.

Don't know who this is or why I should care.

They provide the genes, so yes 100%

>no, that's stupid
If I bake a cake and it comes out burnt it's not the fucking cakes fault.
Children are taught everything by their parents, it's entirely on the parent how the kid turns out.

Yes and no. I was mostly ignored by my parents and I turned out mostly normal while my sister was constantly given attention but she's a mess who's never had a job and has stolen money from my parents and maxed out several credit cards that her husband didn't know she had.

It's a 100% on the parents. If a kid is abused, neglected and put down that child will probably end up no where while being a waste while if the child was disciplined, taught and guided the child would be able to survive.

This is why parents should go through a process when having children, the fact that utter pieces of shit can have children and leech off the handouts to raise a little cunt is disgusting.

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Depends I like to use tenda as a example for this kind of thing the parents definitely do have an effect on the way a child turns out but sometimes the child was fucked to begin with

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i think teachers are "to blame." elementary school kids can sometimes be with a teacher for more hours in a week than their own parents.

None of those matter. Mental illness doesn't exist, it's just a boo hoo excuse faggots use. IQ is a meme, everyone is capable of the same thing its just laziness and educational attainment what the fuck. Shut the fuck up you whiny cunt and accept you're a shit parent

Yes and no. I'd say it's 85% nurture, 15% nature.

Children learn by mimicking their parents. Things like a strong work ethic or laziness, frugality or wasteful spending, and avoiding criminal behavior or playing hood games; are all things that parents passively teach their children through their own behavior.

So no matter your circumstances, being a good person who makes good decisions even in bad situations will teach your child to do the same. They grow up thinking that doing the right thing is how life works. Or, you do the opposite and they grow up thinking doing dumb shit is the norm. Thats why I say its 85% nurture - a parent's behavior has a massive impact on what a child thinks is expected of them.

The other 15% is what you cant control. Sometimes, even kids raised with strong morals, will end up picking shitty friends or to do shitty things; that end up making their life crappier. Children can be controlled entirely; the hope is that they have learned enough from your behavior that they make the right choices when confronted with situation where they have to choose the greater, or lesser, path.

This is why you can have one family, with two kids, both of them growing up with the exact same circumstances and both of them turning out completely different.

cakes don't have freewill, you fucking mong.

It's mostly genetics. I adopted two kids as babies when their dad died and despite never having met him they act just like him.

Kids don't either, their brain is fucking mush

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if parents are 100% to blame then you can blame their parents, and their parents, etc. therefore non of us have responsibilities because the first humans already failed us. stop trying to pass the blame.

no that's your own brain, user.

Especially in Western culture, individuality and gaining independence from parents is a huge part of growing up. So even the most well-raised children still end up making dumb choices. While parental guidance and influence is massively important to the development of a child, there is no way that you can reasonably say that it is SOLELY the parent's actions that determine a child's success in life.

There are children of abuse that go on to lead normal lives and have successful children of their own.

There are also rich, well-mannered parents who have kids that end up being total shitwads.

Parents are the only part of the equation.

right but check out dem tiddies

You're missing my point, adults are responsible for themselves but kids are a clean slate that are awaiting development. The average homeless man will have shit parents.

No. I met a psychopath kid once. The woman’s other kids were fine, but this one just enjoyed seeing other people in pain and wanted to open up animals and see what was inside and shit.

It was so creepy. He wasn’t mad or shitty, he just casually explained that he liked to watch people get hurt.

Kids are fucking stupid, they barely have free will. Let a kid alone entirely for a week and the kid will be dead. They act mostly of instincts and short term gratification. Kids don't have freewill, they're fucking stupid.

If that was the case, then where does it end? Are the grandparents 100% to blame for the parents? Are the great-grandparents 100% to blame for the grandparents?

Parents lay the groundwork, but after a while the child brings their own ingredients to the stew.

I don't have kids. Keep coping though, failure.

not everyone turns out like shit, that's why society hasn't crumpled completely yet so your argument is stupid.

when does a kid become an adult in your world?
instincts are part of freewill, they decide what they like, not their parents and they have the freewill to pursue that.