Are parents a 100% to blame for how a child turns out?

are parents a 100% to blame for how a child turns out?

Attached: 7537.jpg (1080x1350, 124.91K)

no, that's stupid

Not really user. Parents steer their child's development. If they are assholes, failures, rejects it's because their parents didn't intervene and corrected it. Nurture is largely responsible for how a person turns out.

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Not 100% but it is a large factor.

According to David Chase, yes.

>Nurture is largely responsible
yeah but saying 100% is stupid.

>mental illness
>educational attainment
Just off the top of my head, all of these are mostly heritable. You're just salty cuz you're a failure and are looking for someone to blame.

She seems like she could be a perfectly nice person. I dont understand why you chose this picture, OP.

Don't know who this is or why I should care.

They provide the genes, so yes 100%