What broke your trust in women?

What broke your trust in women?
I don't mean incel-tier mgtow bullshit, but actual experiences that you've had.
My first love basically fucked someone else and got pregnant with his kid because we were "on a break". It's been a decade and I've had other girlfriends but I haven't trusted any of them or opened up to them, so break-ups have been relatively easy. But it's all felt so empty.

I made my peace with the fact that you can never really trust a girl, 100% at least. No amount of love or shared experiences will prevent her from sucking some stranger's dick if that's what she really wants to do. So the next best thing is to be outcome independent and not beat yourself up when they inevitably shit all over your heart.
>inb4 my gf's my best friend, she's perfect
grow the fuck up cunt.

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>what broke your trust in women
i never trusted any woman except my own mother
why the fuck would you do something as stupid as trusting a woman
women are the most degenerate creatures on the planet.

good thing that animal companions arent narcissistic like most people :D

seriously, just get a dog. Wont fuck you over like that if you treat em with love and respect

Ironically, by never fully trusting and opening up, you are creating relationships where the woman will not be as emotionally invested in you and more likely to cheat, making you trust even less and creating a vicious cycle of confirmation bias. Open your heart user, but only after 4 months of getting to know the person to make that decision.

i met with thrustfull women

No thank you. There's nothing worse than being cheated on, all that happiness, all that love turns to ash in your mouth in a millisecond. I've had the shit kicked out of me several times in pub fights and during sparring, but the pain of having a fractured rip is laughable compared to being cheated on. It fucked with my self-esteem for a VERY long time.
I'm never giving someone else that amount of power over me.
Why though? Unless you've been betrayed and experienced it first hand, you shouldn't have such strong feelings about this.

>Ash in your mouth
Quoting Tyrion Lannister lmfao you colossal faggot. Just because you trusted the wrong person doesn't mean half human population is untrustworthy jesus how dumb are you.

>you can never really trust a girl
Can you really trust a man?

it's like what said except that its easier for women to take you to court over some bullshit

When I realized, women are the cold calculating humans... and men are the kind hearted emotional ones.

Women are not worth the trouble, if I wana fuck, I just get a top shelf escort for an hour.