
Lord of the Rings Edition
Discuss progressive rock, jazz-rock, progressive folk, space rock, and etc.


Attached: topsters2(1).jpg (552x552, 51.54K)

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Is this the most impressive album of all time?

Attached: Aphrodite's Child 666.jpg (599x600, 79.44K)

Listen to Il Balletto di Bronzo.

based OP, OP

>Bo Hansson
Incredibly based

>why yes, I do think Karn Evil 9 is the best Emerson Lake And Palmer song, as a matter of fact Brain Salad Surgery is their best album, how could you tell

Attached: 92356525_532050117721597_3479992129903228160_n.jpg (640x640, 31.59K)

I think Brain Salad Surgery gets a lot of undeserved hate, but saying it's better than Tarkus is pushing it.

Could you guys tone it down with the reddit memes for once?

>reddit memes
please leave

sorry for wanting an underage-free space