What is the whitest genre of music?

What is the whitest genre of music?

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old school rap

current hip hop

Classical duh

soundcloud rap/trap, metal, kpop.

Probably classical? It's the only popular genre that isn't a derivative of black music in some way

Rap, unironically.

Just metal. You never see niggers, spics, and gooks listening to that shit.

did white people REALLY do all of those?

Yes, we won history.

Prog and Western Classical. I'm not sure I can think of a single non-white in these genres

folk shit

Meme answer
True enduring answer

this and country
hispanics love metal

White people seem to be losing history now though

I would have said country music a few years ago

How so?

All the relevant white countries are being replaced.

Elevator music


not really.

By what?

country is based

The forced replacement is only going to make whites wake up and be angrier than before. If they don't then (((they))) win and enslave all the browns all over again

Sun resistant people

In what way?

the upcoming ice age is going to take care of them

lmao, you can't replace whites. whites are the most attractive people in the world and any amount of interracial couples on tv won't make white people not attracted to one another

Throught migration and higher birth rates.

Doesn't matter how you look if you don't reproduce.

Trve Norwegian Black Metal
A lot of its propagators were even literal white nationalists, so I don't tbhink you're getting whiter than that/

cloud rappers love metal.
no genre is safe white boi

As a spic I hardly disagree

folk punk

But if people migrate to "relevant white countries", that must mean they're doing pretty well, right? Migration and the population spike it brings (both through the migration itself and, as you point out, the higher birth rates) increase the countries working population. That's a good thing right?
Even if you're going to point out the fact that in a lot of migrant families, the women are not working (and neither are the children for a while), how are you going to argue that it's worse than a decreasing population?
Then there's the point of culture, however I think we've seen that the original population grows a stronger relation to it's culture, once another culture becomes prevalent. But I'd be interested in hearing your take on this.

Hahaha the white metal nerd is stupid ignorant
Metal is pretty much the foremost hispanic/african counterculture

You're literally retarded, every other metal fan in the US is a mexican dude, especially thrash metal. South America has a shit ton of metal bands too.

I'm not white nor live in western countries I don't care. ask whitoids if they enjoy living with non whites.

Except white population is decreasing, its only increasing because brownskins keep immigrating and yes not working by the droves. Also how is a decreasing population bad anyway if its a natural decline in birthrates (like whats happening with Japan)
>oh no muh birthrates are falling we need to import gorrillions of shitskins or the big corporations wont make their annual 2% increase of productivity and sales!!!1


Metal is probably the most nationally and racially diverse genre of music