Let's play a game
Guess the album only from Wiki scores
Let's play a game
the critics initially hated this one as you can see
but we all love it now
something from the beatles?
My album
Is this the monkey pissing Jet album?
NME is patrician
Easy mode
Andy Stott
Fiona Apple
Age of Adz
Things Falling Apart - NIN
that nin remix album
here's an interesting one
Fetch the Bolt Cutters - Fiona Apple
Kid A?
I hoped someone would notice that these were specifically contemporary reviews, and that the retrospective reviews would make it obvious
remain in light
ok, nobody said it takes a nation of millions yet? classic pic on this board
kid a
Daydream Nation
Nation literally has a perfect rating. Including an A+ form Christgau's Record Guide. So it's not it.
It's Remain in Light.
zaireeka - flaming lips
nope, funny because DN and the album I posted are both my only 10/10s
nah; hint: this one was released 3 years before remain in light
wire - pink flag
yeah that's it
Are these posts for real? Do you even care what scores albums get on those magazines?