Let's play a game

Let's play a game
Guess the album only from Wiki scores

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the critics initially hated this one as you can see
but we all love it now

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something from the beatles?


My album


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Is this the monkey pissing Jet album?


NME is patrician

Easy mode

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Andy Stott
Fiona Apple
Age of Adz

Things Falling Apart - NIN


that nin remix album

here's an interesting one

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Fetch the Bolt Cutters - Fiona Apple

Kid A?

I hoped someone would notice that these were specifically contemporary reviews, and that the retrospective reviews would make it obvious

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remain in light

ok, nobody said it takes a nation of millions yet? classic pic on this board
kid a

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Daydream Nation


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Nation literally has a perfect rating. Including an A+ form Christgau's Record Guide. So it's not it.
It's Remain in Light.

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zaireeka - flaming lips

nope, funny because DN and the album I posted are both my only 10/10s
nah; hint: this one was released 3 years before remain in light

wire - pink flag

yeah that's it

Are these posts for real? Do you even care what scores albums get on those magazines?