am I retarded if I buy a lute?
Am I retarded if I buy a lute?
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nigga bought a lute
Do it fag
Only if you don't learn how to play it.
buy the fucking lute and join my prog folk band
Depends your goal
maybe, but you'll be a retard with a lute & that seems better than being a retard without one.
wtf now i want to buy a lute
this is the most encouraging reply so far, thanks user
just make sure you're dedicated
I have always wanted a lute
Where the fuck do I get one and how do I learn itM
good lute music is still being made
Find a local luthier, They'll know how to both make/get you one and find someone who will teach you.
Note: nothing in this process is cheap
nay melord
No. Kute is a cool instrument. If you like music with a lute or just enjoy playing things on it, then get one.
go for it. I like having more stringed instruments other than guitars, got a banjo, will be looking at an oud next
expensive as shit. You can get/learn a mandolin for under $100 instead, they sound kinda similar.
Get a hurdy gurdy instead
Only if you don't buy the funny hat that goes along it.
you will have art hoes and literature babes all over you. Get good, then enjoy more pussy than you can handle.
Once I get all the revenue money from my album I'll buy a lute and make a pop album using french horns, trombone, oboe, flute, lute and guitar
do it.
>It's in the top 5 list of gay instruments adored by hipsters
1. Ukulele
2. Harp
3. Lute
4. Recorder
5. Hurdy-Gurdy
Don't you dare talk shit about recorder
Ein gezupftes Saiteninstrument mit einem abgerundeten Körper in Form einer halbierten Birne, aus dem sich ein Griffbrett mit Bünden erstreckt. Es gibt normalerweise sechs Saiten (die fünf niedrigsten sind Doppelsaiten), die in Vierteln mit einer dritten in der Mitte gestimmt sind: (G-c-f-a-d'-g'). Seine größte Popularität erlangte es im 16 Jahrhundert, als es so verbreitet war wie die Gitarre oder das Klavier heute. Eine große Anzahl von Tänzen, Kompositionen, Variationen, Fantasien und Arrangements von Vokalmusik (Motetten, Madrigale, Chansons) sind in Lautenbüchern aufbewahrt. Die Musik wird notiert, nicht mit einem Stab, sondern mit verschiedenen Lautentabulatursystemen, wobei Buchstaben oder Zahlen verwendet werden, um die Bünde anzuzeigen.
Are you actually going to learn to play the lute? If so, then no it is not retarded.
Buying one to sit in the corner and collect dust is retarded though.
Buy a Lute Guitar instead. Its a Lute tuned like a guitar, you'll fool normalfags into thinking you play a real Lute but you'll also have skills that translate to guitar. Best of both worlds
Buy an Oud and call it a day.
I don't speak Nazi.