>the commonly labelled "best song on the album"
>the real best song on the album
>beach life-in-death
>high to death
>the commonly labelled "best song on the album"
>the real best song on the album
>beach life-in-death
>high to death
>A Day In The Life
>When I’m Sixty-Four
>in the court of the crimson king
actually true
>smells like teen spirit
>lounge act
>Devil in a New Dress
Also a good answer
>Pyramid Song
>Life in a Glasshouse
Good choice but Beach Life-In-Death is way too good.
>Obstacle 1
>Leif Erikson
>Livin' Thing
>Above the Clouds
based and autismpilled
whachu goin on about willis..... telephone line is most referred to as best for sure
>Saturdays (Again)
>KC Yours
>Here Comes The Sun
>Octopus's Garden
My boomer rock radio station plays Livin' Thing slightly more, along with Do Ya they are pretty equal when it comes to popularity.
>Hold on Tight
For me, it's Packt Like Sardines in a Crushed Tin Box
>none of them
>Eleanor RIgby
>Yellow Submarine
>Government Plates
>Obstacle 1
>Obstacle 2
>Moon in June
>Be Nice 2 Me
based and ringo pilled
side by side is better
>Lost in the World
>Pink Cigarette
>None of Them Knew They Were Robots
The Mountain Goats- Zopilote Machine
>Going to Georgia
>Standard Bitter Love Song #7
>Apt A (1)
>Apt A (2)
>Feel Good Inc
>El Mañana