I'm looking for examples of bands who have one singular song in their discography which is miles above anything else they ever made
My example is Indian Summer, a mostly generic fugazi-core post hardcore band who somehow managed to create the greatest ever emo song with angry son
ITT: One Song Bands
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Although all their other songs are pretty different, Orchard is just as great of a climax as angry son even if it is a much different style.
indian summer is fucking great and you are a fucking faggot, i would call millimeter their best song.
>tfw you make a perfect shoegaze song and then dip
with indian summer its not that they're bad, they're alright to pretty good but angry son is literally god-tier
indian summer is based. but they are far from generic. they have a strong body of work.
listened to angry son on my way home from school when I was 14. It reached the screaming climax as I was riding my bicycle up a hill and I cried in public like some onions faggot
I see your point, but backwards and I don't care are almost as good as starting over imo
For me, it's Helicopter by Deerhunter, or Apistat Commander by xiu xiu
Radiohead with Creep unironically
I actually like the entirety of that album just as much
don't bother looking for more. just put it on repeat
>Red Stars Theory
>Fine Day
STAR by BROCKHAMPTON. its a perfect 10 while the rest of their discography is only an 8
I have an original copy of that LP and the 3 track one.
Angry Son is gorgeous.
A lot of their music was good.
Daddy's Hands
I like them, but Strangled Planet is way better than any of their other stuff, which is either boring or too weird
Luminous Orange is a bland as fuck paint by numbers Japanese shoegaze rock band but this gem opens up one of their albums and they obviously should have made more like this.
The Sugarcubes
Nothing else in their discography is like Birthday. Perfect amount of weirdness and catchiness
A band that literally only released one untitled track and it's literally god tier slow 90s emo/slowcore
its amazing how some band managed to craft their own style and dissappear completely if it wasnt for guys like fourfa o shinygreymonotone a lot of people wouldnt know about these bands.
the same thing is happening in our times with youtube channels like the lazy me and kegs if you are into the bedroom pop reverb music.
shinichi atobe did one of the best dub techno tracks ever and nothing much else of worth youtube.com
snow patrol fucking sucks for the most part but i think this song is legit great: youtube.com
Katy Perry's entire discography is bad. Except this song.
She Wolf youtu.be
>not posting Run
I still don't know how the fuck did Dave Grohl pull off this masterpiece
Hello scott
I am not Scott but go off. Who is Scott?
fun fact
if you lower the pitch, slow it down a bit then clip the fuck out of it everlong becomes a HALN song
uuuuh user, that's not I Don't Care
Eh, they have a lot of other good songs. The male vocalist really brings the band down though.