Prince is back from the dead, come watch him perform

Prince is back from the dead, come watch him perform.

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Attached: tenor.gif (498x289, 152.83K)


1999 was still 14 years in the future when they did this performance

I wish Wendy was my girlfriend...
Also I'm pretty sure I've seen this footage before, but higher quality video is always welcome.


shitz on fire yo!!

Does anyone nowadays put even a fraction of the effort into their live shows that Prince did?


Are those pants see through?

They are

Yeah, or maybe assless.

Revolution were a terrific supporting band.

52 K watching 5 million raised

Prince Ass

Attached: Prince Ass.jpg (836x633, 28.47K)

Best song on 1999

Aw yeah, turned it on to GOD

holy FUCK those screams

If i gave it to yah what would you do with it??

Hope that water was warm

Attached: file.png (600x428, 49.56K)

computer bluuueeee

Yes Lisa.

Till I Find a Rightous one....
Computerr Bluee

where do i find an entire crowd of screaming women who know the lyrics to darling nikki

Song so dirty it created the parental advisory sticker

Syracuse, NY on March 30th, 1985.

i meant today

What a silly question.

i'm a silly guy

When Doves CRY!

Remembered that bizarre and awful attempt from Kirk Hammett trying to play this classic a few years ago.

I was worried this would be a Hologram.

that synth solo gave me a chubby ngl

how is prince so fucking sexy goddamn

They were /fa/ as fuck

Attached: prince revolution.jpg (2400x3390, 1.08M)