Everyone was hyping Charli xcx because she made an album is 5 weeks. When In reality the bitch didn't even do shit.
Everyone was hyping Charli xcx because she made an album is 5 weeks. When In reality the bitch didn't even do shit
Nobody gives a fuck about rockist notions about music you boomer
fuck off op
are you surprised?
Kys faggot and keep listening to your lazy ass shit
What the hell do all these people do? Can't she sing in front of a microphone and that's it?
But muh talented.
yes actually. the press kept saying like she written and record her album. I was assuming that she did it by herself. God I'm stupid for thinking this. and the album fucking sucks too.
except she did write and record it
I meant record the beats. But that's how journaliste get you
>record the beats
>But that's how journaliste get you
every article i've seen calls it a "collaborative album"
sorry for my shit English. I meant that she didn't do shit, she didn't make her own music, she had producers doing it. the only thing she did was sing over someones elses work and write terrible fucking lyrics that you'll assume were written by a 14 year old.
charli is into cock and ball torture
extraordinary cringe
She likes having her cock and balls tortured?
user, this isn't plebbit, you can call him by his real gender.
she's a singer not a producer so i don't know why you'd expect her to be making the instrumental tracks, but she did write vocal melodies for most of the album and she engineered the first track
not to mention writing lyrics, recording vocals, and actually singing
given that you've listened to the album, you can tell more went into it than just someone singing and playing an instrument, right?
it isn't like indie or folk music where the artist just plays guitar and sings, they require mixing, mastering, engineering and general production in addition to the vocals and instruments
very few artists make pop electronic bubblegum bass type music completely alone
she sings the song and her producers fuck around with the vocals. once again, not much she had to do. the real credit goes to her producers.
>perfectly encapsulates
>4 stars
not perfect then is it
>and she engineered the first track
what do you think this entails? setting up her interface and updating logic pro could be her engineering.
>it isn't like indie or folk music where the artist just plays guitar and sings, they require mixing, mastering, engineering and general production in addition to the vocals and instruments
mate you are retarded. a folk or indie artist doesn't just play guitar and sing. recording a guitar and using a softsynth or chopping samples are equally as time consuming and difficult/taxing from an engineering perspective.
>they require mixing, mastering, engineering and general production
as does every sound in every piece of music you have ever heard.
>she's a singer not a producer so i don't know why you'd expect her to be making the instrumental tracks
The absolute state of popfags, acting as if an artist couldn't possibly be bothered to handle anything beyond vocal melodies.
it literally does not matter at all what the process of creating the music was.
it sounds good.
>the same paper that gave the 1975 two 5 star reviews in a row gives this ((revolutionary)) album 4
k e k
>billie eilishs brother produces her songs, she is called a talentless hack who rides off the popularity of others
>charli hires underground producers to engineer her album in its entirety as well as get her foot in the door in less normie movements, its considered amazing and took alot of effort
the state of contrarian Zig Forumsfags
I don't think anyone is arguing about the quality of the end product so much as they are about how this is being hyped as some kind of incredible achievement by Charli, and Charli alone. "She made this album in five weeks!" is quite different from "She wrote and recorded vocal melodies in five weeks."
Charli far more overtly markets to the coomer crowd. That goes a long way on Zig Forums.
who wrote her melodies?
mostly A.G Cooke
she did
>why isn’t this singer also doing all the production
she wrote all the lyrics and vocal melodies, that’s enough to be impressive with how good it ended up being
AOTY stay mad die mad
why don't you just listen to good pop music instead