How do i actually get my music to blow up?

shill threads don't do shit, it's just the same autistic soundcloud rappers that don't bother helping out anyone else in the thread. how do i actually get my music noticed?

Attached: 80s mullet guy.jpg (468x589, 226.25K)

Make good music and have interesting album art that will attract people to it when they see it
If you build it they will come

Tik tok

you can do that anyway and not get noticed due to how big the internet is tho
fuck no

Don’t make music to get famous retard, you’ll never be satisfied with your life and your music will suffer if you do get famous

Except you’re never going to get famous and you’ll probably just burn out in your mid 20s because of a lack of success. Make the albums you always wanted to hear but were never made

get on a label/yt channel/anything

you have to know how to market it with shilling. think about what the audience is for your music and think about where you can shill it to reach that audience. you have to autistically shill it with various alts, you have to force it to be popular. that's what that fucking gay cowboy rapper what's-his-name did iirc

Make connections have an interesting persona and an intriguing name, contact labels and make friends with artists.l

so i have to throw all sense of human decency out the window and just shill?