Billie Eilish

Why does she attract so much negative attention? Is it just internet contrarianism like the way Reddit hated Justin Bieber 10 years ago?

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because of the media pushing her. i feel bad for her because she obviously doesnt really care and is just in this for her label bc shes massively popular

Because pop is for literal npc assholes
fuck poptimists

Because those of us who have read a lot of critical theory aren't buying her and her "anti-industry" gimmick.

Mommy milkers

It's not nearly to the extent that Bieber was hated.

Whoa you sound rly smart

>Is it just internet contrarianism
probably this + the fake indie pseudo edgy image
her music isn't that bad tho desu, just kinda boring

probably her resting cunt face

everyone hates aritists that gained popularity out of nowhere and out sells everyone that came with babysteps, thats what happened with justin, his blew up quickly and thought he is just another teen pop with good looks