/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Jimmy Page edition.
I only want a Les Paul because he played one.

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Would you all recommend a Strat as a first electric guitar? I've been playing acoustic for 2 years now.

Which minor scale do you think sounds best?
I love the harmonic minor scale as I like that sort of middle eastern vibe it has. But I find myself writing songs in melodic minor more though

Absolutely. I hate Strats, but it's a good guitar as it's easy to play and easy to fix

I'm a neet and wanna start practicing guitar a lot more. Anyone here practice long hours? How did you get started and do you have any tips?

here is a recording so you can get an idea of y skill level now and tell me anything i should work on if you are so inclined.


When I was like 16 and first starting to get serious about guitar I would practice around 6-8 hours a day. It was mostly discipline and forcing myself to do it. Structured practice is better than jamming and noodling for actually learning and improving technique

this is sam dont click.

i dont know who sam is, it's not me. im new here.

Have any of you played in a band? What was it like? I might join a band after quarantine is over.

A HSS strat can handle everything reasonably well