How's that music career going Zig Forums?

How's that music career going Zig Forums?

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I'm playing music on my laptop keyboard



I will play at Coachella in 10 years screencap this post

Goin’ great

i thought about killing myself today

just doing busy-marketing work while i wait on better equipment. how's yours?

I released an ambient album about a month ago. Of course only one or two close friends bothered listening to it but I still had fun making it.

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keep at it!

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Hoping for a good security job or other night shift where I'm encouraged to sit around and do nothing. Then my career will take off.

You think all you have is time

(((Bubblegum bass)))

sounds like a good premise for a song

is that really music though? I mean I make an ambient song every time I take a shit or when I step on my cat's tail ya dig

i've given up. i'm happier when i don't make music.

You're right, I do need to make more time for that. Thanks for the reminder, user.

>be me
>get neetbux from the gov bc autistic shcizo
>have a music dream
>wanna become a successful musician and escape the grind of mundane existence
>make 10 albums in a year
>take out reddit ads
>the exposure is good, the more u spend the more people it gets shown to
>$35 a day = like 25k times it shows up every day
>2% click rate
>basically for $35 a day u get like 500 plays a day
>be weed addict
>move in with dad bc can’t afford to live alone
>have all my expenses covered and can use my neetbux exclusively on ads and weed
>spend a year going in an endless cycle of being broke and getting paid, turning ads off and on, being high and sober bc too poor at managing money to maintain weed habit
>never have enough for both
>be determined to get music career going
>quit reefers to spend all money on ads
>tfw 25000 people a day all over the world 24/7 see ur face and 500 hear ur music
>be depressed bc no weed
>gotta stay strong
>every day is a never ending listening party on reddit
>everyone hates my guts on reddit and thinks it’s trash
>10,000+ clicks a month
>500-750k impressions a month

Never gonna make it, not even as a meme

make music video

It’s going pretty alright. I’m in and I’ve written some songs and made demos for them in quarantine. I’m really excited for quarantine to finish so we can get recording. I’m quite proud of the demos :)

You're the guy who spams his shit saying you're autistic, been in a psych ward, on acid right?

Gotta try got nothing better to do w my life
I suck at that
Haven’t taken acid or been in a psych ward in a while I’m doing good

you are that guy right? I'd give you advice but you're incapable of taking any in. Hope you get clean off drugs tho

Nonexistant as a career but my relationship with music is stronger than ever. Building some instruments, composing classical, modding my synths. I dont bother with distribution, because i think music is a way to connecting with the source and preparing for the afterlife and this search and its fruits are personal

I quit weed to focus more on my ads bc I was smoking 150 clicks a day

Change your online identity now. You have such a bad reputation that you’ll never be able to succeed with it. Get a new name and picture and make your presence different.

No plans of changing my name that I spent forever advertising

believin in myself and makin dope shit. if youre making great work it'll get noticed in a big way eventually

Give up you fucking retards. No one will ever make it, you're wasting your time if that's your goal.
Create shit for as long as you have shit to create, but if your goal is to be successful then give up. Make shit that you like for you, stop deluding yourself.

Haven't "made it" but after a slump i've finally got back into a creative rhythm that's distracting me from destructive stuff like depression, cooming and drugs

Getting a new keyboard this week

I know but as a NEET with lot's of free time, music composition/production is too fun, if I can get over my autism I could probably make a beat selling business to stack on top of my NEETbux and chainlink

My split per gig is $800
Things were going great until the virus hit

I meant to say I’m in a band*

There's been a few posters on Zig Forums who have gone on to have successful careers