I don’t really get the appeal of this genre. All the British shit like Joy Division sucks balls. Only the American stuff that doesn’t sound anything like that (e.g. Devo) is any good
Devo is shit. Listen to more music
Post-punk includes new wave, industrial and goth rock
mods are asleep post punk
watch your mouth you fuckin pleb
Is there post-post-punk?
Yes it's called shoegaze and it sucks big time. Only trannies and trannie enablers like it.
Last track kinda blows but otherwise perfect
i like you
Fuck off you bigot trash
This thread is cringe and retardpilled.
This is just required for any Post Punk listening.
Choke on broken glass for our amusement, freakshow
Cry more about it, I'm sure everyone here will meet your standards
gothic rock > post punk
of course. Post-punk is goth rock for wimps who don't have the balls to put on eyeliner or sing loud
Autistic edgekids go back
schizophrenic transvestite kill yourself
No, really, go back :)
Lemme ask you something: why do so many trannies seem to have a barely-suppressed but deeply rooted serial killer-esque hatred for biological women?
Also, why have I literally never met a straight edge tranny? Why are all your people so fucked out of their heads on drugs?
You think I was joking when I ordered you to kill yourself by choking on broken glass?
You're really fucking delusional. You misinterpret genuine hostility as playfulness, this is why your life sucks, you can't understand your environment and yourself on a very basic level.
Now take a glass, break it, and shove the shards down your throat.
You don't belong here you piece of shit.
>Post-punk includes new wave, industrial and goth rock
No. New wave came from punk, just not post-punk, while industrial predates post-punk and came from free improvisation.
Yes, and it's literally just alternative rock.
They don’t lol you mentally ill incel. Why are you seething about trans people on a music board? Go back :)
What makes you believe that you should be allowed to breathe?
Seriously what gave you that fucked up idea?
bro... you're so cool
teach me to be as cool as you are