Post what you're looking for in feedback. Be specific if possible. GIVE feedback to GET feedback. ignore dubbi and jbenitex
Post WIP's on or Vocaroo. DO NOT link to Soundclouds, Bandcamp, or YouTube - there are dedicated threads for posting them and anything resembling self promotion will result in bad feedback.
some no-name keyboards have midi out, that's gonna be the cheapest you'll be able to find if you want a full claviature brandwise you'll have to compromise on stuff like range and pitch/mod wheel if you wanna stay in the 50-100 range I'm pretty satisfied with my lpk25 fwiw
thank you for saying this. i'm getting sick of all of the bullshit. some of dubbi's advice isn't real, like saying nobody goes into a professional studio and asks for a bedroom pop sound. that sound is requested fairly often from the actual professional producers that I know (I don't mean beat producers, I mean like "works at a studio with a $100,000 mixing console and knows Steve Albini" producers). of course, for them it's an option because they have all the equipment they need to sound professional, so the end product is a highly professional and deliberate version of the "lofi" sound.
Xavier Morris
i've been weary about 25 keys i would like something bigger but for $40-$60 man thats a good deal are the keys really slim