Avatar Thread

>inb4 avatar threads gay lol


Post your...
>top five genres
>top five albums
>top five songs
>top five artists
>rate, hate, judge, assume, appreciate others

>pic related
Top Five Genres...
>blues and jazz
>new wave
>neo psychedelic
Top Five Albums...
>Extrapolation by John McLaughlin
>Blues and Roots by Charles Mingus
>Man Who Sold the World by David Bowie
>The Cars by The Cars
>Impressions: The Verve Jazz Sides by Wes Montgomery
Top Five Songs:
>Sundown by Wes Montgomery
>Preachin Blues by Son House
>Bye Bye Love by The Cars
>Blew by Nirvana
>Don't Bother Me by The Beatles
Top Five Artists...
>The Beatles
>John McLaughlin
>Wes Montgomery
>The Cars
>The Kinks

Attached: avatar.png (600x600, 136.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm just gonna post my five favorite genres.

>noise rock
>cool jazz
>alternative metal
>early indie rock
>world music

Attached: download20200300234251.png (600x600, 107.33K)

Alright, I'll bite this once for your avatarfag thread.

>Midwest Emo
>Cloud Rap
>Indie Rock

>Have A Nice Life - Deathconsciousness
>The Brave Little Abacus - Just Got Back From Discomfort - We're Alright
>Xiu Xiu - A Promise
>The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead

>Have A Nice Life - Earthmover
>The Brave Little Abacus - Pile! No Pile! Pile!
>cLOUDDEAD - Apt A. (2)
>Xiu Xiu - Brooklyn Dodger
>The Smiths - I Know It's Over

>Have A Nice Life
>The Brave Little Abacus
>Xiu Xiu
>The Smiths

Based, high IQ patrician.

Attached: download20200501215023.png (600x600, 123.76K)


>modern classical

recommend me some stuff, senpai-tachi

Attached: 148413_IcZFdxf8.png (600x600, 121.23K)

>Folk Punk

>Caught in the act of not being awesome
>Tallahassee - tmg
>luray s/t
>corpus i - show me the body
>the longest day of my life - dead end days

Attached: 148413_3TVYm1Fz.png (600x600, 113.11K)

based lazyniggers

>avant prog
>old school hip hop
>industrial rock
>no wave

Attached: 94097_ohhmFjrF.png (600x600, 248.34K)

>Shibuya Kei
>Art Pop
>Dream Pop
>Prog Pop
>加爾基 精液 栗ノ花
>Misty Blue

Attached: download20200501230535.png (600x600, 115.8K)

>Noise Rock
>No Wave
>Post Rock
Soundtracks for the blind
Daydream Nation
Strangers from the Universe
Songs of love and hate
My fav songs and artists are all from the album I cited
That local music dude, luv music, known locally for it
I don’t know bc I’m bad at psychology but I would talk with you
That chill dude with hipster taste
Tough looking but probably very friendly

Sorry if my judgement suck I’m too autistic for this shit

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