What is your favorite artist and level of education?

What is your favorite artist and level of education?

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Dumb frogposter.

Does dropping out of Harvard count

This means you are actually smarter, because Bill Gates

>favorite artist
Nick Cave

>level of education
1 year military
6 months of an BPhil
nothing else to my name but a heroin addiction

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>because [noun]
Reddit spotted

>Reddit spotted
Reddit spotted

>no u
Reddit spotted

what major? are you jewish?

be real. you sound like a redditor. which subs do you browse? you realise that site is owned by a Chinese company which is just a tool for the Communist Party, right? Reddit is China's bitch.

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seems you are the uneducated (dumb) one, my friend - us educated folks like to flex our higher education degrees.

>higher education degrees.

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Zig Forums and reddit are one in the same

your gf is getting fucked by a black bull


what? I don't have a gf. I just fuck whoever offers. also there's hardly any blacks in my country.

The Books
High school dropout
Fight me

why what? my inability to finish things? because I get bored and scared of doing the same stupid shit and answering to the same pigheaded assholes.

the drugs? because fuck life?

nick cave? because he's based as hell.

I guess my favorite level of education would be the highest level of education

You're the guy who made the 1111 albums chart right?

oh so you're not only dumb - you're POOR? yikes. if you were smart, perhaps you'd.. you know... get a free ride and pay nothing for higher education.

I see you're uneducated sir - I phrased the question in plain English. Are you a second language speaker? Perhaps you are. Thing is, I clearly asked what your favorite artist and level of education were. Do you dodge the question because you're... ashamed, perhaps? I did not ask the question "What is your favorite artist and favorite level of education?"

Don't expect peasants to understand, really.

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Captain Beefheart and I just graduated from UC Berkeley with a STEM degree.

Queens of the Stone Age, and I'm currently doing a diploma in video game design.

Talking Heads
High school dropout

Pls no bully

I won't bully you because I think you're based, in all actuality.

great band, no shame in dropping out.

have gcse's, dropped out of sixth form

i'm not this guy but randomly passing by foreigner
what does based mean in this board

charli xcx
currently in medical school

>kanye west
>college dropout

daft punk
junior in college

the beatles
senior year in university

Alex Cameron
One year away from finishing law school

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