>For participants who claimed classical was the musical genre they listened to the most, the average IQ was 144, just shy of the ‘Genius’ cognitive designation (145-159).
>Following classical, the most listened-to genres with the highest IQs were punk rock and heavy metal. These both had an average IQ of 137, in the middle of the ‘Gifted’ category (130-144).
>The most listened-to genres with the lowest average IQ were pop and soul, closely followed by funk, RnB and rap/hip-hop.
>Taking into account the top two tiers of high IQs (145+, ‘Genius’ and ‘Extraordinary Genius’), the favourite artists in no particular order were as follows:
>Mozart >All Time Low >Amazons >Chvrches >Fall Out Boy >Joan of Arc >Muse >Robosonic >Sonata Arctica >System of a Down >The Black Keys >Tool
Plus all the people I know that are into metal are as dumb as they come.
Zachary King
Do they listen to high IQ metal like Tool, System of a Down and Sonata Arctica?
Robert Hall
I read
Thomas Hughes
Listen to Mozart or Fall Out Boy while you read
Jeremiah Smith
Iq has very little to do with the part of your brain that handles analyzes music I've met programmers with absolute horseshit taste. Most people I know who study music prefer other classical musicians to Mozart and jazz to rock