>artist is mean to Nardwuar
Artist is mean to Nardwuar
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>heh, i made fun of a mentally handicapped person
Nardwuar deserves to be bullied mercilessly
Kurt Cobain was such a raging dick to him lol, painful to watch
What was his problem?
Holy shit wow.
This was retaliation for nerduwart trolling them
Dude made them unconfortable and brought a pic of the girl gorilla man lost his virginity to
Its basically like if someone bullied eric andre
Not cool but i get it
Now a politician campaigning for London's Labour party, Rowntree has issued an apology for the Nardwuar attack some eight years later, blaming his cocaine addiction on the unwarranted bullying. Here's the full statement, taken from Rowntree's site:
There has been some speculation as to why I accepted a recent blog comment linking to a clip of me bullying the Canadian journalist Nardwuar in 2003.
The reason is, that I can't take the credit for the things I've done that I'm proud of, without taking the blame for the things that I'm ashamed of.
And this is definitely one of the things I'm ashamed of.
There's no excuse for my bullying, and the reason I did it is perhaps nearly as sordid.
As I've written in the past I became addicted to cocaine during the nineties. Now I've no idea if it has this effect on anyone else, but for me, the day after a cocaine binge I'd sometimes fly into a murderous rage, and take it out on whoever happened to be around. In this case, it happened to be the journalist.
To be clear, Nardwuar didn't do anything to provoke me. I sent an apology to him the next day, but I didn't hear anything back from him, so I assume he didn't accept it.
These days I keep a clip of the interview on my phone. I don't drink, smoke or take drugs, and if from time to time I wonder if I'm doing the right thing treading this (sometimes rather lonely) path I play it, and have the answer.
Nardwuar responded to the apology on his Twitter page, where he wrote, "Thanks to Dave of Blur for this apology... I do appreciate it!"
This makes me love Blur even more kek. Alex especially.
based as fuck
Holy shit relatable my Adderall addiction is why i bully people that would have been me
My career has already been hurt from it
When someone is even slightly arrogant or an ass it makes me just want to crush em into dust and spazz out
this. Also Dave was coked out of his mind and Damon was probably on heroin
wow blur sucks
He does have a habit of doing that though. Kinda like "Bet nobody ever knew about this about you!!" type of Exposé which, he wouldn't be doing his job if he didn't delve deeply into an artists' history, but then again there's definitely a nuance of confrontation when he pulls out rather unpleasant memory or have the artist bring up a contradiction in their logic.
This kind of shit is the stuff interviewers like Nardwuar dream of. The whole bullying aspect of the interview is a performance. They felt slighted by some shit Nard had said, so then they made a big scene when he showed up. If you're putting yourself in Nard's shoes and thinking its a sad bullying situation, you're an idiot.
It's still hard to watch
i don't remember this interview, wasn't courtney nice to him?
this is clearly tongue-in-cheek and he's playing along
Man, they have a 100% chance of getting another g*nger baby
what a hot wife
nardwuar knew courtney personally as far as i know, that's how he interviewed kurt at all
He called him a piece of shit
Nice digits user! I especiialy like the 65 at the end, it has a good feel to it
If I was a famous musician and Nardwaur tried to pull a guerilla interview on me, I'd just keep walking past him and not even acknowledge his presence, and keep walking until he stopped following.
>Glock style pistol
lmao Gigachad would never use plastic guns
Dave Rowntree actually apologized to Nardwaur for this