>gen 2

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Other urls found in this thread: Twice's new Producer/

Y'all ready for the new Twice bop?

Attached: Twice's new Producer.jpg (1040x1390, 196.4K)

Gen 4 > Gen 2 > Gen 3 > Gen 1

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arin's very first kiss...

damn user, still seething?

sakura looks angelic here

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I think Yeonwoo is back in momoland.

childyeon's childyeons
wony's wonys
yeseo's yeseos

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missing my girls

save us smngg

I still believe in googie's virgin bussy


lol no

jesus she was freaking huge

Please keep posting this until the comeback happens

what u mean

nice if true

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why is yuri so lewd

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really bad velvet

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I want to be in momoland iykwim

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treaaure's fans are mostly sea monkeys as well. seems like most of korea has dropped yg.

has yet to happen

but that whore nari will pressure her into it

>gets to work with twice
>likely a tranny
wow almost the exact opposite of kpg i.e. white, failure, zero contact with woman, virgin

yeji calm down or i'm going to tighten your doble knot

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jungle asians

Wait are you really trying to bash snsd visuals?!
Theres not a single group that visually more appealing and cohesive than them

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Do you wish you could be in the lineup of the chart topping group, Momoland? Twice's new Producer/

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back when idols were brown

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FACT: gay posters are behind the ant-twice posts.

iKoN is our favorite boy group here. BLING BLING!



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they look the same fucking gooks lmao

now you can understand the hate

anpanman is based

In a good way.

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still the best & no one will ever touch them

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still listening to love scenario~

ah yes my fellow successful black producers


You could have picked more appealing outfits to prove your point.

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What else has he produced. Is it any good?

wtf gayposters are based


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he mad, why tho

haseulie, my bird bride

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not exactly

he lost it but it was an accident he didn't mean to fall on a dick

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gay posters are twice posters

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look more like joys creepy feet

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kara rekt them in japan and that's a larger market

Do you choose
A: You are rich and dating Jeongers. She is verbally abusive to you in public and all your friends tell you to break up with her. However in private she is super sweet and treats you like a king.
B: You are rich and dating Jeongers. She extremely sweet to you in public and all your friends love her. However in private she is verbally abusive and treats you like trash.

Attached: 222131.jpg (1333x2000, 339.08K)

that's not an anti mad about other gg

revisionist history

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You wish that you were a solo act performing songs like bboom bboom and bam?

word but only jinhwan's soft feminine *****

That once is mentally ill as fuck

Do you think Yujin is ever insecure about her FAT THIGHS AND ASS?

Attached: ABSOLUTE UNIT.jpg (1478x1108, 250.77K)

want to pinch them cheeks

c. i'm rich and i'm not dating her

obviously A.
You are really bad at hypotheticals.


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just like no one will ever touch you


I don’t choose this gross dyke no matter circumstance

I'll just make sure to never go out in public with her

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what makes you think he's a mad anti? we support lgbt here.

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nothing new. they get specially angry before the comebacks.

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He produced a new strain of hiv

they are all ugly as fuck you dumbass boomer


I miss brown so much. It will never come back though. It's all a distant memory

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*double knot status

A. I'm not a woman, so I don't care what other people think.


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even mogged by post wall twice

busanese blood

true but kara explicitly targeted japan, snsd looked global (we can laugh now)... kara in japan is insane but snsd were huge there too even when they half assed it

So no.

both shit, option A is a little less shit I guess

Attached: Yoo.Jeongyeon.full.149646.jpg (1280x1920, 579.49K)

why the fuck is it always on a first place on a first page

"Mister" is playing in my head

man i love girls in WHITE jeans



Do you choose

A: putting your energy into a career, meaningful relationships, family, and self improvement

B. spending 16 hours a day fantasizing about some plastic, photoshopped korean women whom you will never meet or talk to, and will never, ever give a shit about you other than your wallet
on an anonymous anime forum
in your underwear

Until your favourite group has produced a Taeyeon you cant claim to be a fan of the greatest gg ever so please stfu

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so izone is disbanding soon and itzy is trash. who's taking the torch from twice now that they're on the downswing?

Why does kpg think that female idols all have an incestuous relationship with their brother.

yea especially now that they are all sticcs

speak for yourself, I'm totally indifferent about gays

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soo young age like a fine wine while chewy age like a milk


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B because I'm rich so I don't need anything from A

...and that ass shake is playing in mine

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mister mister

All I want is idols showing their tummies more often. Is it too much to ask?

>anons ITT literally praising a black tranny
wtf happened to this place?

Oogie is so pretty bros

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