Look at the Zig Forumscore section of this chart
Just the Zig Forumscore section, ignore the sub-Zig Forumscore, classics, hip-hop, bleeps, Jazz, and metal sections
What albums would you add to the Zig Forumscore section?
What albums in the Zig Forumscore section would you move to other parts of the chart?
What albums in the Zig Forumscore section would you completely remove from the chart?
Look at the Zig Forumscore section of this chart
>move to other parts of the chart?
MPP, Skinny Fists, MBDTF
>Kid A
Replace with OK Computer, put Kid A in sub-Zig Forumscore
>Talking Heads
Move to the hip-hop section
Replace with NLDW, move TMS to sub-Zig Forumscore
>Americ Anfootbal
>Pet Sounds
Move to classics
Move to classics
>Sweet Trip - Velocity : Design : Comfort
>Lift to Experience - The Texas Jerusalem Crossroads
Add Kevin and the Bikes - Dorkcore 101
Switch places with Sung Tongs or Strawberry Jam
Put in sub
>Pet Sounds
Move to classics
Move Pet Sounds and Remain In Light to classics
Move Merriweather Post Pavilion to Sub-Zig Forumscore
Move MBDTF to Hip-Hop section
Add V:D:C and Long Season / 98.12.28
>Switch places with Sung Tongs or Strawberry Jam
board cares about them even less than MPP
it should be STGSTV
Ok thats kinda true
where does this go?
Add TDBY$, NLDW and the purple blurry guitar album