oh no someone has hurt my yunky
I'm a Jihan supremacist. All other girls are inferior.
he's coming
Jane is too good for kpg.
the best
when will the weeekly schizo stop spamming his shit group?
weekly is just flavor of the week but izone is forever
stop hating on loona, you jealous dreamroasties
I hope he dies.
embrace the jihad
>12 of 20 songs by YG
the only one company who produce music instead of photobooks
I like the pretty ones
not zoa
she deserved it
>weekly is just flavor of the week but izone is until april 2021
very true
Izone is already dead. We all dropped them for Weeekly. There are now 2 zoa posts and 5 jihan posts for every w*ny post
thinking about picking up dc for gahyeon redpill me on the other members dcbros
when will the dreamroastie stop spamming his shit group?
she looks like a little tart
taking wony to the mini disco
Filtering is for cowards
She's an honorary Jihan.
the best thing to ever happen to kpg
pic not related
petite squid
hey thats my wife
Proofs that Buster are made for educational purposes
love both loona and dreamcatcher
t. straight white loonachad
>I like the pretty ones
>posts one of the ugliest idols kpop has ever seen
what did he mean by this?
There are several weeekly fans in here. Maybe over a dozen
don't understand how anyone can think bian is pretty, she doesn't even look human with all the ps she's had
we did it, boys
yonhi my dreamroastie
going to remember one new weeeeeekly name each thread
Why would an otherwise normal-looking early 20s white girl like kpop? What draws them to asian manlets who put on makeup and earrings? They afraid of actual men?
Asking for a friend.
Fuck off Sera you mentally ill roastie cunt.
who are you quoting?
weeekly is the best thing that happened to kpg since I joined (2020)
jisoo arched her back like a pro
Ask twitter nobody cares about gaypop here
mental illness tbdesu
my three wives
lel accurate
I want to furiously ______ Yunky's ass
do you get off at the thought of beating up little loli idols?
this is nice squid
it's fun and they look good dbh
It's over Armybros
why do these newer groups always look uglier than the earlier ones?
they're gonna be like ioi. split across a dozen groups no one cares about, and rarely ever spoken of again.
at least she is aware now I feel sorry for her :(
don't samefag
its nice to see people actually posting pretty girls and not busted uggos
be nice
maybe you're an insecure incel. maybe you are the problem
Pretty boys>Masculine boys
t. 22 yr old white girl
Make you think you can fuck with me
(Nugu who?) Recognize girl, Ye to the ji
(Nugu what?) Make you think you can fuck with me
(Nugu who?) Recognize bitch, Ye to the ji
(Nugu what?) Make you think you can fuck with me
(Nugu who?) Recognize bitch, Ye to the ji
(Nugu what?) Make you think you can fuck with me
(Nugu who?) Recognize girl, Ye to the motherfuckin' ji
Cute buds.
I wonder why........
pic not related
the company with the most bots
this but taeyeon
stop falsefagging, dreamroastie
does my favorite youtube reactor Sera really posts here or is it just a meme?
pre-ps bian mogs your waifu
Just STFU and post pure girls.
you're not a man and there are only one of you
that's a cute Rosie
i can tell she would be easy to hold down
This is now an ELEVEN thread
>basically be the black bladee
>insecure fags hate him
>still makes new and kino music
So why aren't you listening to him again Zig Forums?
to all former wonybros who started shilling one of those nugu girls
you are all traitors
you never deserved her
I don't understand how you voluntarily chose a dolar store version of Wony
Stray kids
have you seen the type of women who are into kpop in the west?
>BLACKPINK's WIN: this is yours blinks, you guys deserve it
>TWICE's WIN: we are total strangers
The new Elris membersblasting
Squid sisterblasting
ANS members that aren't Bianblasting
Candy Leaderblasting
Bringing Nayeon home to introduce her to my parents and seeing disappointment and gloom grow on my dad's face because he was expecting handsome grandchildren
want to punch jihan's ugly trannyface
What kind of mental illness?
They look harmless.
Maybe. Just trying to understand something which makes no biological sense.
No. I've just learned about it recently. Bost examples?
all cute except jihad
at least they can afford it
she used to be pretty
holy fuck
ugly hag
hunter eyes and dominant positive canthal tilt
Wew, Yejibros we dodged a bullet here
wanna black their pinks
itzy better hope they never have to share the same stage as weeekly
the mogging would be brutal
Shitzy gets mogged by every group
oh my fuck
got a date for this?
any sharkman in
lmao cocky whore I knew it the whole time, her whole personality is fake in reality she is insecure as hell about her looks and over compensates
While looking 12 years old?
just us shartman
i thought they would at least wait until she turned 18 but they don't even have a flimsy excuse
bro why would she be there he's doing the uggoblasting meme
genuinely LMAO
Yeji immediately mogs everyone just by being present in the room
ugly trannies from weeekly got mogged by hwasa
as opposed to the famously masculine looking western teen crush popstars like justin bieber or the backstreet boys?
not that shark
kpg doesn't deserve to see this
wony on running man?
What did INKIGAYO mean by this?
Who doesn't?
>teen crush
Key words. We're talking 20something white girl preferences here.
only us smartman
Men are not supposed to look harmful, dude. Biologically speaking, neoteny is an attractive feature and men are more neotenic than all other primates. But without going into that, they obviously look good if you have eyes.
for me, it's slapping all the cringe wannabe niggers from blackedstink and beating the shit out of any tranny blink that dared stop me