Only white people listen to albums

Only white people listen to albums.

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>i'm going to show those losers on Zig Forums today ha bet that's gonna make them feel insecure

okay and? are you saying the format is racist somehow?


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Playlists are just albums under a different name

What about mixtapes?

No one has listened to a full mixtape

Based Mexican

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Yes and I love being white

Why do underage incels love the cartoon frog so much?

same as albums, white people

black people listen to "projects"

the sight of that thing makes me sick

holla at ya boy my fellow niggers

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based underage incel

As a colored, I listen to albums. But only so I can pick out my favorite songs and never listen to the rest again.

wypipo cant eat no spicy food that why we never invite yall to the cookout yall just want oscar mayer baloney mayo sandwiches

White people listen to symphonies, retard.


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maybe in 1870
today white people listen to 100gecs and lil thug gangsta

wypipo be like "aw shucks that's the ticket. spread a little more of that mayo boy."

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defend western civilization
come home white man

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>Playlists are just albums under a different name

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Fuck you i bet yoy listen tl radiohead nigga


sometimes they are. not all albums are made with care about song placement. some are just a collection of songs.

kek i was thinking earlier today how i identify music by albums and cant even recall many single tracks anymore

t. black