Zig Forums Album - ULTIMATE TOP 10 Chart - THE RESULTS



10. Death Grips - Exmilitary (Self-released, 2011) - 45 (33.3%)
9. Miles Davis - Bitches Brew (Columbia, 1970) - 47 (34.8%)
8. John Coltrane - A Love Supreme (Impulse!, 1965) - 47 (34.8%)
7. Talking Heads - Remain in Light (Sire, 1980) - 49 (36.3%)
6. Nick Drake - Pink Moon (Island, 1972) - 52 (38.5%)
5. Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (Merge, 1998) - 56 (41.5%)
4. Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica (Straight, 1969) - 56 (41.5%)
3. Charles Mingus - The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady (Impulse!, 1963) - 59 (43.7%)
2. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless (Creation/Sire, 1991) - 61 (45.2%)
1. The Velvet Underground and Nico - The Velvet Underground & Nico - 65 (48.1%)

That makes The Velvet Underground & Nico Zig Forums's now most liked album!

Tiebreaker for 1969 winner: Tim Buckley - Happy Sad (Elektra, 1969) - 59 (54.6%)

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>Only a single album from the last 20 years
Is it this board that depresses me, or is it modern music?

Exmilitary feels extremely out of place

>Death Grips
Lol this board is a joke

i don't think these threads were ever about trying to find what is deemed Zig Forums core

new here?

No, but I knew this board would pick stereotypical 2000s tier uncivilized rap because "they posted here one le culture XD"

Modern music is unironically shit for the most part. Exmilitary shouldn't even be on the list desu

Final chart btw

They were to an extent

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>death grips
kek at least you faggots should have picked joanna newsom and not that cringe worthy meme trash

Exmilitary is unique

10. Exmilitary: 7/10
9. Bitches Brew: 9/10
8. A Love Supreme: 9/10
7. Remain in Light: 7/10
6. Pink Moon: 8/10
5. In The Aeroplane Over the Sea: 7.5/10
4. Trout Mask Replica: 9.5/10
3. The Black saint and the Sinner Lady: 9/10
2. Loveless: 9//10
1. The Velvet Underground & Nico: 9/10

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i guess it was something i never realized

also who's the person meant to represent the 70s on the top left?

Wait is each artist meant to represent a specific decade?


on the top yes

1998 is the best
and 2011 is worst I mean three albums aren't even music

Actually a pretty great chart, I'd be fine with this replacing the current chart which is super dated

2010 is best, and the chart doesn't even have This is Happening or Age of Adz

>1998 is the best
Electro-Shock Blues making it into the Top 10 for that year was the best part of these threads for me

I think the only problem with this is that it needs at least a handful of albums from the 50s. Time Out, Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs, Kind of Blue, Little Richard, and Elvis Presley s/t come to mind. It doesn't need 10 albums for each year or anything, maybe just 20 or so albums the encompass the 50s as a whole

unique garbage

relisten to it

still annoyed that LCW or Down Colorful Hill didn't make it for the 90s and fuck the fact there was no tiebraker for Crooked Rain and Roman Candle meaning there is no Elliott Smith on the chart but apart from that I'm glad to have this be the new Zig Forums chart

i hate this album soooo much. not because i hate the music directly but its so forgettable and lacks any sort of interesting beauty that it being mentioned along with something as good as black saint baffles me completely. it has nothing to say songwriting wise. i like all of those albums except maybe remain in light (which has 3 very good songs that i used to listen to all the time)

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never thought I'll see the day where LCW is not Zig Forumscore, it used to be super overrated, and don't get me wrong, I much prefer Long Drive, but I don't know it's like a little part of Zig Forums dying

Robert Fripp of King Crimson

Nope, sorry. Enough of the shitty jazz worship, nobody cares.

Sick of that shit. It’s almost as bad as the buttrock/numetal posters. Nobody listens to that shit here.

>Twin Fantasy in 2018 slot
>not in 2011
get fucked og fags lmao

the 2010 list is garbage just because it doesn't have the archandroid

Not a single album by The Kinks or Roxy Music. Not to mention only two Smiths albums. Pathetic.

Kinks debut got in. Ridiculous village green didnt though