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tfw my wife can’t sing


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H-hello is a bop weeeklybros

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love that part where they transform into deers and car drives over them

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One of the biggest whore of Twice. Sana.

ayo wtf i cant post images anymore because my ip is rangebanned

for me it's her

god i love korean women so much


Attached: heechul-momo.jpg (1000x811, 101.2K)

Bros, Zig Forums used to load all images on the thread then I could scroll freely through the thread. Now, the images only get loaded while I'm scrolling them. So, they are like appearing when I'm scrolling down. I'm using Firefox with 4chanx and this wasn't an issue before, I didn't move shit, tell me what I did wrong and how to fix it please this is super annoying. Or should I just simply migrate to Chrome now?

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What that one love song you always go back to while thinking(dreaming) of your wife bros?

Attached: kpop jisoo meat.webm (710x1920, 2.73M)

busanese princess

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Bros, I...

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they are pretty nice

Attached: bangchan-sana.webm (356x620, 1.68M)

great MV, digipedi again

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do you have proof? nayeon seems like the matriarch of twice and everybody else is submissive to her


not the pizza chewy

Attached: cook.webm (1280x720, 666.46K)

Attached: minju pepe.jpg (1080x1350, 115.84K)

what about Japanese women?

You & I simple as

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why is jennie like this

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What's the idea of Mina? You mean her concept?


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Not enough Elris posting these days

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weeekly and this song cleanse my soul

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Lmao bait or onew?
Nayeon gets bullied all the time

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we want another cooking vlive

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In her defense the retarded pitch they make her sing in does her no favors lol

Attached: hyeseong-2.webm (506x902, 1.02M)

just like with any idol, you love the idea based on the few information you have and the zero real interaction with her

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mate I hope everything is fine

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Proof of?

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all this talk of bullies in kpop, imagine if tzuyu was secretly a bad bitch chad bully

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why do people here say that bangchan is shorter than her and also this unironically brought back memories of me and my crush back in hs

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they get a honorable mention

No shit Einstein. You could say this about literally anything

she would fit in one

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It is now.
I took care of it.

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proof of sana being a flexer who talks about how rich she is constantly

I'd love this to be true but there is just no way

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What a cute robot.

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love me some browny

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was she bullied due to her skin colour?

Soeun is legit good. I don't know why kpg hates her

Is she always like this?

Unnie line of Jeongyeon and Nayeon are massive bullies

Attached: nayeon-lapdance1.webm (1514x1080, 2.33M)

oh yves i am gonna nut

not a the the "I'm in love with x idol levels"

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she is

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ah yes her feets

and multitask

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no weak links in the vocals

ummmm we dont sweaty
i almost waifu'd her but then jiyoon stole my heart

She's an idol I had the biggest misconception of. I thought she was this superior bitch at first but she's the sweetest.

Reminder that they don't sing live, but they do dance live. So in a way Momo is the most talented member.

why are you lying

jeongyeon bullies the shit outta nayeon though so she's the top of the food chain

yup. when I first saw twice I thought tzuyu was the leader chad but was disappointed that she's extremely quiet

Monday = Soeun > Jihan > Jiyoon > Soojin >>> Zoa > Jaehee

some people have an irrational degree of hatred for gaypop

Well obviously Jeong is the Jimin of Twice

Attached: jeong-bully1.webm (1920x1080, 1.42M)

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She's nothing compared to mama milkers. The small fear the big.

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>I don't know why kpg hates her
i dont think kpg hates her
its just nobody posts anyone other than jihan, zoa and jiyoon

partly to make this an unwelcoming place for gaypoppers as they're often flamboyant homosexuals or menstruating roasties which contrast with the incel base that is kpg's core

did jyp pick her just for her rack?

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>irrational degree of hatred for gaypop
This is a good thing

because very few people here actually listen to the music, it's pure waifu shit for them so they assume that anyone who talks about boy groups is gay and wants to date or fuck the idols

who are you quoting

ateez is our favorite gaypop group

Is this ironic posting like the cub posters?

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actually stray chads is our favorite gaypop group

she was the only one who could sing

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>and wants to date or fuck the idols
that's at least 95% of kpop fans in general. if you happen to be the 5% that makes you the oddity

>lol u hate fagshit so u must hate music
Shut the fuck up, faggot

>nct is our favorite gaypop group