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Adrian Ortiz
Other urls found in this thread:
Owen Gonzalez
Gavin Wood
Grayson Jenkins
Isaac Cook
tfw my wife can’t sing
Camden Peterson
Brandon Ramirez
H-hello is a bop weeeklybros
Connor Sullivan
love that part where they transform into deers and car drives over them
Evan Carter
Adrian Carter
One of the biggest whore of Twice. Sana.
Brody Williams
ayo wtf i cant post images anymore because my ip is rangebanned
Luke Baker
for me it's her
Samuel Reed
god i love korean women so much
Cameron Walker
Easton Young
Bros, Zig Forums used to load all images on the thread then I could scroll freely through the thread. Now, the images only get loaded while I'm scrolling them. So, they are like appearing when I'm scrolling down. I'm using Firefox with 4chanx and this wasn't an issue before, I didn't move shit, tell me what I did wrong and how to fix it please this is super annoying. Or should I just simply migrate to Chrome now?
Jackson Walker
Oliver Moore
What that one love song you always go back to while thinking(dreaming) of your wife bros?
Ryder Sanchez
busanese princess
Parker Nguyen
Bros, I...
Caleb Diaz
Ian Robinson
John Cruz
Gabriel King
they are pretty nice
Kayden Smith
Dylan Clark
great MV, digipedi again
Luis Barnes
Dominic Scott
Liam Long
Josiah Jones
do you have proof? nayeon seems like the matriarch of twice and everybody else is submissive to her
Jayden Reed
Dominic Jackson
not the pizza chewy
Jace Hernandez
Nathan Hughes
what about Japanese women?
Joseph Moore
You & I simple as
Julian White
Sebastian Jackson
why is jennie like this
Parker Sanchez
What's the idea of Mina? You mean her concept?
Chase Foster
Not enough Elris posting these days
Nolan Ward
weeekly and this song cleanse my soul
Ryan Nguyen
Lmao bait or onew?
Nayeon gets bullied all the time
Jace Flores
Daniel Stewart
Jaxson Cox
we want another cooking vlive
Owen Evans
In her defense the retarded pitch they make her sing in does her no favors lol
Jace Myers
Sebastian Reyes
just like with any idol, you love the idea based on the few information you have and the zero real interaction with her
Isaac Green
mate I hope everything is fine
Chase Johnson
Proof of?
Brody Clark
Ayden Bailey
all this talk of bullies in kpop, imagine if tzuyu was secretly a bad bitch chad bully
Brandon Cruz
why do people here say that bangchan is shorter than her and also this unironically brought back memories of me and my crush back in hs
Henry Cox
they get a honorable mention
Justin Rivera
No shit Einstein. You could say this about literally anything
Joseph Flores
she would fit in one
Ryan Bailey
It is now.
I took care of it.
Henry Miller
proof of sana being a flexer who talks about how rich she is constantly
Julian Morales
I'd love this to be true but there is just no way
Thomas Jones
What a cute robot.
Colton Bailey
Samuel Edwards
love me some browny
Logan Wright
Zachary Perry
was she bullied due to her skin colour?
Jeremiah Jackson
Soeun is legit good. I don't know why kpg hates her
John Martinez
Is she always like this?
Eli Russell
Unnie line of Jeongyeon and Nayeon are massive bullies
Brayden Carter
Luis Allen
not a the the "I'm in love with x idol levels"
Nolan Fisher
Ryder Barnes
Christian Brown
she is
Carson Williams
ah yes her feets
Dylan Morgan
and multitask
Cooper Murphy
no weak links in the vocals
Joshua Murphy
ummmm we dont sweaty
i almost waifu'd her but then jiyoon stole my heart
Adam Jenkins
She's an idol I had the biggest misconception of. I thought she was this superior bitch at first but she's the sweetest.
Julian Wood
Reminder that they don't sing live, but they do dance live. So in a way Momo is the most talented member.
Jordan Howard
why are you lying
Mason Morris
jeongyeon bullies the shit outta nayeon though so she's the top of the food chain
Jordan Price
yup. when I first saw twice I thought tzuyu was the leader chad but was disappointed that she's extremely quiet
Christopher Barnes
Charles Ward
Monday = Soeun > Jihan > Jiyoon > Soojin >>> Zoa > Jaehee
Camden Moore
some people have an irrational degree of hatred for gaypop
Wyatt Harris
Well obviously Jeong is the Jimin of Twice
James Myers
Elijah Long
She's nothing compared to mama milkers. The small fear the big.
Colton Myers
>I don't know why kpg hates her
i dont think kpg hates her
its just nobody posts anyone other than jihan, zoa and jiyoon
Michael Diaz
partly to make this an unwelcoming place for gaypoppers as they're often flamboyant homosexuals or menstruating roasties which contrast with the incel base that is kpg's core
Jose Cooper
did jyp pick her just for her rack?
Henry White
Christian Cook
Henry Phillips
Isaac Diaz
>irrational degree of hatred for gaypop
This is a good thing
Brody Brooks
because very few people here actually listen to the music, it's pure waifu shit for them so they assume that anyone who talks about boy groups is gay and wants to date or fuck the idols
Liam Harris
who are you quoting
Liam Diaz
ateez is our favorite gaypop group
Gabriel Rivera
Landon Ross
Is this ironic posting like the cub posters?
James Torres
David Cruz
Carter Long
Liam Ward
Connor Jones
actually stray chads is our favorite gaypop group
Luis Thomas
she was the only one who could sing
Andrew Jenkins
Cameron Morgan
Charles Harris
Sebastian Sanchez
>and wants to date or fuck the idols
that's at least 95% of kpop fans in general. if you happen to be the 5% that makes you the oddity
Blake Murphy
>lol u hate fagshit so u must hate music
Shut the fuck up, faggot
Hunter Butler
>nct is our favorite gaypop group