Now that the dust has truly settled, can we all agree that this was garbage and a huge let down?

Now that the dust has truly settled, can we all agree that this was garbage and a huge let down?

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Idk if it counts but I really like Fashion Week. Is that part of jenny death?

It's great when you listen to each song individually but as an album it's exhausting, the songs are too long for the structure that they have.

i didnt really like any of the songs d*su
some songs are blown out and pretentious while others seem like cheap family guy skits.
inanimate sensation was cool when it came out because of the hyped energy it had and the energy we had matched that but in hind sight that song just seems silly

and dont even get me started on that song with the fucking wispering homeless man what the fuck even was that
why a bitch gotta lie sounded like an 80's song spoof
om gp seemed like a 14 year olds first time trying to write a linkin park song while only knowing 3 chords
i thought the whole album was poor and NOTM is the last death grips album as far as im concerned

centuries of damn is kino.

its my fav death grips release. bombastic

If YOTS isn’t your favourite, you were never really a fan.


Jenny Death was the best release of 2015

>muh pretentious
became an buzzword at this point, but even if you wanna cal some DG album "pretentious" NOTM has a more ambicious central theme and music approach.
>in hind sight that song just seems silly
Was silly since the beginning, one of the main charm of the song it's how a goofy sample like this became a full fleshed song. The song development is one the more creative of the group.
The rapping of Ride is miles better than NOTM.

Death Grips 2.0 and Why a bitch gotta lie sucks tho.

it's literally the best grips album

>inanimate sensation was cool when it came out because of the hyped energy it had and the energy we had matched that but in hind sight that song just seems silly
Listen to yourself, this is an entire sentence of pure nonsense. People enjoyed the song when it came out because it is A GOOD SONG. "it seems silly" means absolutely nothing.

All of your complaints with the songs are you comparing them to clichés that annoy you. You might as well have just read the youtube comments instead of listening to the album. Can you seriously claim to appreciate the experimentation of NOTM when you're suddenly mad that Ride whispers on a song?

I think it's a very bleak and intense album, it isn't fun in the least bit like every other album. It feels like a drug fueled ritual hazing

totally agree

As someone who considers NotM a masterpiece of the decade and their best work by lightyears, people who hate JD seem to be genuine morons.
Without fail it's always just because they "cringed" at it, it reminded them of rock music so it's automatically bad, or they're butthurt it didn't take itself 100% seriously like whatever nonexistent album they were hyping themselves up for. JD whining is the easiest way to spot someone who's more invested in DG's superficial mystique than in actually enjoying their music for what it is.

OP is a dumb contrarian

>On GP is in this album
>literally their best song

It has a lot of fun songs though, only Centuries of Damn and On GP are bleak.

what the fuck are you on about mate its the best

They are still very harsh
I really like beyond alive

It's the best, even better attached to that niggas album

>can we all agree that this was garbage and a huge let down?

Birds, Blackjack and Anne Bonny are better than anything on NOTM

fuckin huh? y u gay so much all the time huh?

The Powers That B and YOTS are their best albums, change my view

It's actually hidden gabber and bottomless pit

Hidden Gabber is incredible but Bottomless Pit has a few songs with meh hooks, especially compared to TMS. I'd argue those two albums follow pop/hip hop structures the most, outside of GGPBI and Hot Head of course

jenny death is the best death grips release

fuck outta

jenny death was a success like

jd is you had to be there

No, this is actually some of their best work. Jenny Death and Exmilitary easily top anything else they have released.

Cringe of the year
