Chart thread

hi :)
chart thread time
have fun + be yourself also

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good taste fella, how you finding that new sufjan track?

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Our taste doesn't seem terribly compatible, but check out Faction of Deer from In-Dreamview and The White Birch - The Weight of Spring if you've feeling particularly self destructive.
Richard Dawson - Nothing Important
Medico Peste - ב: The Black Bile

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try Sound Of Ceres - Nostalgia For Infinity if you haven't!
Wipers - Is This Real? is pretty good

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I'll check out Medico Peste, thanks user!

Already a fan of Wipers but thanks anyway bruh

looking for stuff like the savant ep
>late of the pier
try out working for a nuclear free city - businessmen and ghosts
either that or ed harcourt - elephant's graveyard or here be monters
not similar to LotP btw just reccs based off what you have there
I bet you suck dick

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>good taste fella
and also with you :) fantasma, wildflower, vcn, feels :) some really good warm stuff
>how you finding that new sufjan track
the two singles for the ascension are both pretty solid sufjan songs. america was extremely reminiscent of planetarium & im here for that. i felt planetarium was underrated but also extremely longwinded. these songs also feel unnecessarily longwinded too, but thats okay. i dont mind a bit of a jam out. dont think this is going to be at the same level of beauty that he achieved in age of adz, but not everything has to be a masterpiece!
speaking of age of adz, my rajneesh feels like its directly referencing vesuvius. the melody around 6:30 is directly lifted from the chorus.
i appreciate that he's calling back to other albums but i also worry if hes not developing as an artist or making this album for fan appeal after doing all these art projects tht werent widespread successes like carrie & lowell and mystery of love were.
how are you finding the new sufjan tracks?
haha, yeah i dont think we're particularly compatible music-wise. i dont mean to brag but im not self-destructive at all right now, i will keep those recs in mind though for when im going thru it all again.
do you like kayo dot? theyre metal-adjacent. might be your thing! check out the album of theirs choirs of the eye
sound of ceres is cute! love candy claws & candy claws related accessories.
last thread i recd you foxtails - iii and i rec you that again.

Nice spot for How I loved you

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Sematary is quite a promising rapper
I predict he will secure his underground hero status
Very good picks. Especially nice to see underrated distorted pony

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