>have tinnitus
Now what?
Have tinnitus
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kill self.
Beat me to it
Run a fan
I just ignore that shit my nigga, only weakass whitebois kill themselves over a little ringing lmaoooo
Sometimes i get this shit in my right ear and cannot hear anything for like 10 seconds.
subtle weyes blood thread?
what exactly happens when you get this
ignore it, dont think about it
SBUTT is normal. Most people get it and It doesn't mean you'll develop tinnitus.
What key is your tinnitus in?
With tinnitus, you no longer hear true silence because you hear a constant droning, ringing, kinda like or like this (MAYBE LOWER VOLUME BEFORE CLICKING) youtube.com
But usually higher pitch than that but same effect.
I was born with tinnitus and still listen to music.
oh nice i thought i was getting it even when taking precautions with the volume etc
>have thanatos
now die
cool erudite meme
These earphone/bud things apparently help alleviate tinnitus
Be thankful that it’s not diplacusis
That’s the worst possible outcome
Just listen to power electronics and noise
my tinnitus got worse and worse, to where now I basically have to have music or some ambience going, else I might lose my mind from the ringing.
I have had it for 3 or 4 years, in both ears. Not a big deal for me actually, easy to ignore
Although lately I am thinking that it is wax in the ears (I used to insert the swabs deeply, without knowing that it is bad before), they say that the wax also causes tinnitus to come. And I often hear "water" in my right ear when yawning.
something happens to someone else btw?
I will check it this week with one of those candles to remove wax, or else I will go with a specialist (if it is possible to find him these days)
Suffer. No reliable cure. And, it gets worse as you get older. I have to sleep with a fan or some sort of white noise. I don't hear it during the day, but at night...god fucking damn it.
Earplugs, faggots. Get some, and wear them. Years of standing next to PAs in clubs blew my fucking ears out.
>Not a big deal for me actually, easy to ignore
For now. You'll be one of us, eventually. Caffeine also makes it worse. And, it can also kill specific frequencies in your hearing - certain voices you'll never hear, unless they speak loud. Get used to saying 'What?" a lot. Watching some movies, I have to use earphones, or I can't hear the dialog in some scenes.
The rest of what you're talking about sounds like swimmer's ear, which is an infection. See a doctor, I think they treat that with drops.
I would fuck that ear
>Caffeine also makes it worse
Oh yeah
Just for details like that makes me think again that it is tinnitus only and there is no escaping kek
it happens to me that it worsens when I consume caffeine or when I don't sleep well, I don't know which of the two is more harmful in my experience. The good thing is that I only drink caffeine a few times a year but when I do I notice it almost immediately, even for a few days.
I only have hearing loss in my right ear and when I listen to music I can notice how the voice is heard much less on that side but recently it is a little better than before, I have been a little better during these almost two weeks. I can hear better now, and also remember how the ear was uncovered a little when it started to improve ...
I don't understand this anymore, I need to check
a little sound like 'uncovering' I heard, I mean
I do not know how to say it
As someone that's had moderate tinnitus for over a decade, I'll give you some advice. Just suffer for a while and eventually you'll get used to it. That's it. You'll still be able to enjoy the good stuff and you'll learn to ignore the background noise during quiet moments. You'll be fine.
become a Merzbow fan
One of the last things Chris Cornell said on this earth was "I can't stop the ringing."
Agreed. #1 prioroty is psychological. I saw some very dark and scary times just a year ago and now its gotten better.