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International #1283
/ישר/ - /អ៊ីស្រាអែ/ - /isr/ - /ᎢᏏᎵ/ + חברים
Who has the best philosophers?
/v4/ + friends
What would happen if India never split up? Would they be a superpower today?
How can i get a french gf?
Do natives in your country underachieve at school?
/ita/ il filo
Kurva anyátok
I hate other white guys
Korea VS Japan
It's 2020 and India is a superpower now
I got ghosted again
How's living here?
Nearly 1,000 tonnes of oil from the Japanese ship's cargo of 4,000 tonnes has already escaped into the sea...
/pacific/ - California, Cascadia, Hawaii and Alaska
/cum/ - canada us mexico
How fat are you in your country? 201 kg here
How much does China-flu treatment cost in your cunt?
/pol and /int
This will be pakistan in 2030
You will NEVER live in alaska
Is this the future?
What is the greatest contribution your country had to humanity as a whole?
Why are the poorest African nations today the ones that were colonized by France, Belgium, Italy, Spain...
What is your preferred pussy aesthetics?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Would your country be better off without an army?
Parents found out I smoke weed
Even PAKİ BULLs pulling mad women in china
Do you love California?
Powerful and brave
/cum/ - canada us mexico
I am feeling very lonely /int bros
How bad is feminism in your country?
Are they of European ancestry?
Korea vs Japan culture export
Why is it that the more humanity progresses the more miserable we get. What is it that we are missing?
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht
Bird thread
/lat/ hilo latino
/AfroAm/ - African-American General
Ur cunt
Do Anglos really?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2375
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Name 7 countries you love
Black canadians are only 2.2% of the population
Post most American image in your folder
Your continent
Why can't Americans afford insulin?
Just... Why?
If you go to prison in Brazil, you can get a gf that will do anything for you
Your Dominican gf is here bro
Do you love your grandmother??
Do you like where you live now? Is there a place you've always wanted to move to?
If you like something I dont like i will soyjack you
Is it easy to lose your virginity at the uni in you're country? Asking for a friend haha
Sverigetråden - Måndagsupplagan
What's the most disliked state or region of your country by people in your country?
Konichiwa dude
I always assumed Mexicans must be savages but I'm pretty sure that was just a trick played by the American media...
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Belarus will rise up and embrace Poland as it's eternal brother and ally
Any movie or series kino from your country?
Are muslims the most hated group worldwide? It seems that most non-muslim nations really hate them...
Ugliest girls in Europe?
I, for one, am ready to accept Belarus girl (female) refugees
Why europeans did it?
VGH... what could have been
I love Japanese girls but it would be incredibly shameful to actually purse anything long-term with them...
==Sex Brazilian Slang==
Are all Canadian men like this?
Pas d'islam en France !
Do you want to meet Louis Cachet?
Half black
User, how do you know so many flags?
I was bullied by my online fren. does this happen in your country?
Math is anti judeo-Christian American
Do you like Germany? Would you live there?
/fr/ le francofil
Sverigetråden - kaosbrudupplagan
American women are made for Mediterranean bulls
Trips and I show my IP address and phone number
/ita/ - il filo
Will China solve the leaf problem?
Why do people think mixed race people always have a identity crisis...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How possible is for your country to become communist?
Faces of Zig Forums
What the fuck was his problem?
/lat/ hilo latino
Great /brit/
What's white South African culture like?
Indo-Europeans were swarthy
/cum/ - canada us mexico
I don't like cheese
Are you proud of being european?
Question for French speakers
What's the best region in your country?
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
Post old photos of your city
These invade your country. What do you do??!
AmeriKKKans are psychopats
Which countries is taking in American refugees?
How do people in your country feel about Ukrainian workers?
/mittelkurzhaarsüBis/ auch /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Why are Americans still so defensive about the atomic bombings...
What is wrong with him?
British women are ug-
What does your last name mean
Why do they have the most cancerous food industry? is it because health care is such a big business there?
Just gonna lure some Americans in my thread real quick
Your country
Will Zig Forums take Bill Gates' vaccine? For me it's a definite yes because it's my duty as a world citizen
/v4/ + friends
Your country
I unironically hate this parts of Europe so much
What phenotype is you're favorite?
It was white european man's last stand against americanism
White men have to pretend to be woke leftists if they want white pussy these days lmao
What is your Brazilianized name?
Random pictures from the place you live
How are Asians generally viewed in your country?
Despite being 50% of the population, 95% of the violent crimes are commited by men
Off brand countries (Canada, Belgium, Austria, New Zealand...
We are not Arabs! Can't you see we're different!
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
Sverigetråden - Majoras upplaga
We have the best national bird
Rail network in Poland occupied by Germany vs Poland occupied by Russia in XIX century
This is what a taco is supposed to look like
VGH......take me back
Why dont french people speak english?
Congratulations, Brazil!
What's wrong with russian men ?
Who'd ever thought this would turn out to be the single best, most important location in the history of the planet?
I kind of want the US to become an isolationist dictatorship just to piss everyone else off
Kurva anyátok
Why did Brits produce this godawful terrible Bible translation again?
There are people who think hapas can be mentally stable
/ita/ - il filo
Why can't they be friends?
Are there any other countries who are this similar to each other?
Is this the most self-hating region on Earth?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Absolutely based
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/lat/ hilo latANO
There are posters here that havent seen the ocean
What have the French given us?
/ישר/ - /እስራ/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ + חברים
Same sex marriage
Sverigetråden - Jag älskar min bössa
How do Polish people feel about the fact that Russian people stole over 50% of their historical territory and never...
What did they mean by this?
He suffers in brazil
Pls sing baka mitai for me and upload to vocaroo
/fr/ - le francofil
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I see a white girl and I want it to get BLACKED
Ålesund, Norway, is it better than Oslo?
Your Dominican gf is here bro
Only people that have graduated college should be allowed to vote
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Are you a living strereotype of your country?
RIP in peace, French pipo are know the most valuable targets in the world for terrorists
My passport gives me the right to live in 42 cities with an Urban population above 1 million and another 38 cities with...
When I was a kid, white kids used to gang up and beat the shit out of me...
Mfw the salsa for my tacos wasn't too spicy
Do you want to find love in America?
Are you planning on having kids Zig Forums?
I like my country
People who drink alcohol on a daily base are the most annoying people in the world
Your cunt
If Quebec was independent would it be part of Latin America?
Does this happen in your country?
Zig Forums is one of a few sites that work in Belarus right now
How do we stop br*wnoids from corrupting the boyim?
You there! Prove you're an oldfag
/ita/ - il filo
You aren't white if you don't have blue eyes
Sverigetråden - Birger Jarls upplaga
1. Cunt
/fr/ - Le fil froncé
French bros, we got too cocky
How much has USA involvement messed up South America???
From birth to immigration to Japan
Germany has no historical ally
/rom/ - Romance general
Europeans males looks like that?
What do Europeans do on Sunday when all the shops are closed?
Would you be happy if you had a Japanese gf?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I woke up in Ukraine again
1. cunt
Americans microwave water
Question to germans and pollacks
What do Koreans think about westernized koreans ?
/pt/ - fio português
You had a 40% chance of being born in india or china
You aren't white if you don't have 100% european dna
I just made 0,02€ selling a card on steam market
Sverigetråden - Bilupplagan
What is Zig Forums's consensus on German-Brazilians (a.k.a. Deutschbrasilianer) of the great South Brazil (a.k.a...
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
When was the last time you made a friend in your own country?
Poland is base-
We need to return to normalcy
/fr/ - Edition bientôt lundi
What would you do for an EU passport?
This angers the darktoid
/esp/ - España
Why did Anglos commit so many atrocities to all the other peoples?
German tax payers have to pay Lebanon
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Kick these two out of the EU already
Tfw no thicc latina gf
How different do you think the world would be if your country didn't exist?
Do the French really?
America is finished
Why don’t they start speaking latin again?
Sverigetråden - 楯の会, 楯の會 Mishimas upplaga 三島 由紀夫
This makes the Italian sperg out of control
4 billion blacks at the end of the century
1. Your country
Swedish women have the highest body count
Why are Russians still obsessed with WW2?
Don't go there they will stare at you, they stare at foreigners
Countries which use Apple smartphone are first world
Love this Based Scandi Girl
Vocaroo thread
/isr/ thread /ישר/
The European Union is a very important International project and you will soon understand why
34*C again
An international world... what could've been
/fr/ - le francofil
How learn english if I dumb retard?
Kurva anyátok
Do you have any hopes, economically, for your country?
Be american in a pandemic
Do you love Korea?
Literally changed their entire country's flag just because Nasser shit-talked them
Let's be honest, theres Europe and then theres the rest of the world
Who's your dictator
Honest thoughts on Spain?
I'm leaving Zig Forums FOREVER
Hilo /lat/ANO
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Chechen girl with albinism and heterochromia. Just look at her beautiful eyes guys. Nature knows how to surprise
Im boutta end this man whole career
Is coffee good for you?
/mena/ + /turdman/
Sooooo hot!!!!!
Have you confessed your feelings to older woman?
Usually, for these threadsI roll a random country and try to cook a national dish of that country's cuisine...
To be fair
What's your country's stance on eugenics?
/ita/ - il filo
/desi/ + /sag/
When will beaners begin colonizing the Northeast, Midwest and northern states?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Imaagine not being American
ITT I will be posting the best flags from every region
My parents are rich. I live in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the city...
I love Russia but why bully me everytime??????
Do you have game developing studios in your country...?
How come PTSD seems to affect white people more than non-whites?
Today is Singapore's National (Independence) Day
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
What do you for fun here?
How did indians become so nationalistic? How do we get them to chill out and act like normal people?
What happens to white women now?
I'm a 22 years old virgin in a third world country
Do you like flag of Vietnam?
Are there any real Japanese on Zig Forums?
Did you call Japan??
I am Indian and want a blonde blue eyed gf...
Japanese should be the world language. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't
Japanese's height is lowering
Do you love Japan?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Hilo /lat/ino
Average white brazilian
Is he right, Zig Forums?
Handsome Zig Forumsernational men
Americans can own pistols and rifles to rise up against a tyrannical government that has tanks, jets, helicopters...
Are there any Lebanese on Zig Forums?
Do you guys use the toilet standing or sitting down
Is there anything more to this country than politics and news? America gives me vidya, movies, tv shows, porn, etc...
Do Euros really hate Americans as much as bantz would suggest?
How should Canada be punished for giving up this majestic beast for a fucking leaf?
What are the similarities and differences between British and American culture?
I'm 30 year old virgin
Today is my birthday and there is nobody to celebrate it
American looking for more resources on learning Vietnamese. I use lingodeer and vietnwithannie currently...
Why is britain the worst paid country in the developed world?
If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here bros
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/dixie/ southern usa and pals
White test
/hispa/ ex /lat/
The most common couples in my country are
Do you eat mac and cheese in your country?
How come the rest of the world is so dumb on circumcision? Even Muslims know snipping your kid is the right thing to do
Post your flags
Where has Zig Forums been?
Culture Pals /cp/ reborn
I want to visit a maid cafe
Make yourself Zig Forums
Did your dad drink?
Ask a Canadian pajeeta anything
Does the rest of the world still perceive america as being a white country?
Postt the most french pic u hav
His country uses the English alphabet
/fr/ - Le fil magique
/rom/ - Romance general
To European men. (France and English special)
Meta thread
/v4/ + friends
You can enact any three laws to fix your country. What laws do you enact?
Let's do this
How can we fix asian "masculinity"?
How would your family feel if you brought home an Iranian girl?
Itt make your Zig Forums waifu
Why do Russian nationalists simp for an asiatic-looking Caucasoid manlet who's only second to Hitler in number of slavs...
How would you raise New Zealand's birthrate?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Could I fit in at a party in your country?
Sverigetråden - Nostalgiupplagan
Your cunt
I fucking hate this guy
Okay but is this meat halal?
/lat/ hilo latino
Why those retards need to make a general for each country when they are all the same?
POV: You are Dutch in 1945 and are reading the newpaper
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I know you guys will hate me for this but...I’m black
Why haven't any of you learned our language?
/ita/ - il filo
Is Zig Forums a waste of time?What have you gained from being here?
I got a Tinder match with a pornstar. Does this happen in your cunt?
Post calligraphy from your cunt
How to get a qt British boyfriend?
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
Thoughts on this?
What will we do about the frogposter menace? this is just a random screenshot from the catalog
Guess my ethnicity Zig Forums
ITT: Zig Forums in 1946
Stop using derogatory terms to refer to other people
We don't need air conditioning we just open windows!!!
How accurate is this?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
What do you think about Russia and Russians? №2
Do you feel safer on American or European airliners? Oh me? I only trust American pilots and ATC
Spain, home
You wake up in east germany
My great-grandfather spent the entirety of his life under British Rule in the British Raj
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Do you have a dialect?
Best español?
Pay up, wh*te americans
Can I pass as local in your country?
Who should change its flag: Romania or Chad?
Why don't Westerners regard them as white?
Honestly, why is this board so white supremacist? Except for BBC...
Romance general
Do you love USA?
You know, if you love Japan, Japan will love you
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Balders upplaga
Sverigetråden - Laktosupplagan
Do you like Argentina?
Native speaker exposes me for being a ESL
Polish love story
Kurva anyátok
Why are indians like this
How can one browse Zig Forums in Iraq?
Would you allow your gf to get a nose ring or is that not done in your country?
Ur cunt
/lat/ hilo latino
I made a Tinder and Badoo profile in the Philippines...
Go ahead, Zig Forums!
What is this fucking heat?
I just told an art-hoe from Instagram that alcohol and cigarettes were boring entertainment for uninteresting losers...
Euros will find this ugly just because it is in USA
No terrorist attacks
Freaky bike accident
Who was in the wrong here?
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
The only gun I have is a muzzle loaded flint rifle. Do you own guns?
Meatball soup. Finnish version of Swedish cuisine
Why do slavs adopted this word? Do they know what it means?
Lebanon bros... looks like western imperialism strikes again
Doctor, you understand. Those "meds" are a way for the US government to pacify the population. THE CIA IS BEHIND IT...
Spanish women are so hot, why can’t other countries compete?
Why do asians work 10+ hours a day?
Why do almost no balkan people immigrate here?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Post your favourite jews
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine