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International #1308
Pissing off /int? Impossible?
ITT: Post pics that will leave Sp*niards seething
/fr/ - le francophil
Zig Forums Bingo
Black Americans unironically use the black emojis
Do you guys really?
I'm suffering, bros. Do you suffer from loneliness in your country?
Eat a succulent Chinese meal
This is George Frideric Handel, 18th century English composer
Imagine a world without Spain
Can't build jack shit or maintain a business without getting assfucked by mafia
Do it for her
What is your dream?
Fixed Europe. No need to thank us
What's your cunt's greatest ally? Ours is Denmark. :)
Sverigetråden - hpupplagan
have a PhD degree in Computer Science
Holy based
"Ultra Strips Down...
FACE beats eveything. There is no getting around an ugly face...
Be American
/deutsch/ Krocha-Ausgabe
Let’s play a game:
Kurva anyátok
I live in Donetsk People's Republic
Are you part of the caucasian or white race?
Mid or feed
Are there many losers in your cunt?
This is a vietnamese schoolgirl
What's 1 country you REALLY want to move to?
Best Universities in Da World 2021
Nordic architecture
Being 5'11" (180 cm)
Repeat after me: GREAT Britain
Gay thread
ITT: we summon best Korea
Why is k-pop so popular in mena and SEA?
My sister is fucking her manlet peruvian bf in the next room
Meanwhile, on Mars Zig Forums
I always thought Montreal looked like Europe...guess not
Imagine being 38 and still being extremely obedient and loyal to your mother. What are your thoughts on confucianism?
Do Europeans really?
Bants aside, how does your country view America...
Why are Americans like this?
Anyone else just hate their race's women? Like come on, how can they even compete?
Post a poor neighborhood in your city/country
/lat/ - hilo latino
The seventh pic in the folder of your choice kills you, post it
How white are you?
Do Latinos get annoyed that "America" refers to USA and doesn't include South America or Mexico
20 (You)'s and i'll shove this ice up my ass
sexsexsexsex !!!
Ya know for the country that invented the train your trains sure do suck
Look up USA's most viewed videos of all time on pornhub out of curiosity
Big sis is getting pounded by a narco in the next room
What is this called in your country?
Name 3 things you love about America
Desi or Overseas Chinese, which does Zig Forums like better?
/ita/ - il filo
Do scientists struggle to survive in your country?
Is it true the old world hate the new? Why?
Me on the left
I hate Autistic people and everyone else with mental illness so much...
Why the fuck are there so many indonesians here?
I haven’t eaten anything in 48 hours
How does Hong Kong compare to mainland Chinese cities?
/lat/ - hilo latino
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Can anyone explain to me what the cultural difference between the USA and Canada actually is...
Are hair transplants common in your country?
"long cat" nobiko died at 18
Thank you, France. For helping us with the Revolution
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
We are full
Hypothetically, if China went to war with Russia, who would you support?
Why is Japan so autisticly strict when it comes to weed?
Why is the n*w world soulless ?
Say something weird about your country?
Salvini: "Islam is incompatible with our constitution"
/Nachtschicht/ tagsüber /deutsch/
What is the youngest age woman you can date openly without issues in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
I have 1-7% african dna yet I can not find a black in my ancestry no matter how far I look back and it's likely from...
Sverigetråden - STORA upplagan
Just matched with a 10/10 stacy on tinder
My mom locks herself in her room and watches Conservative news and Trump rallies for 6+ hours a day and never comes out...
ITT Weird shit you do
Would you like to immigrate to Canada Zig Forums?
What do you commonly larp as online?
Tokyo alone >>> whole Korea
What are you suburban and rural areas like Zig Forums?
/rus/ + /bel/ + /ukr/
/ita/ - il filo
Is it true trannies are considered real women here and dating one isn’t seen as gay?
Cooking with Americans
This is considered a next door neighbor girl in finland
I still love her
Every trace of romanity in mena was destroyed by islam
日本語スレッド ・ Japanese Thread
What's a common language feature your lang doesn't have? I'll start, grammatical gender
Even Nevada-tan is a adult now
See Kosher stamp on my food packaging
Nations with a complex of incomplete europeanness
US and Poverty
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
She's not attractive
Asians are the new beauty standard
What does a northern european man have to do to get a southern european gf?
Pros and cons of living in Finland?
Who felt unrequited love here?
Iran is 60% persian
Are you still a virgin?
Sverigetråden - Peter Sundes upplaga
I hate it here
You can only post in this thread if your home country used to be a province under the Roman Empire
1. Your country
Vgh....the women of the r1b haplogroup
Kurva anyátok
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Danish TV show featuring naked adults in front of school children
Why is everyone so obsessed?
European culture at its finest
Why are meds shorter than other Europeans?
SCENARIO: you are traveling back in time to ancient Egypt, Cleopatra is the current ruler
/fr/ - le fil froncé
/flag/ + /extraflags/
This is how the average Portuguese looks...
/somatråden/ #9 /norgetråden/ /挪威/ /ノルウェー/ /노르웨이/
Are crooked noses common in your country?
Greetings fellow males, I'm one of your "bros"
How much does a haircut cost in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
/deutsch/ imaginiere den hensch
Would this nose pass in your cunt?
Post your phone screen ITT
1. Your country
Sverigetråden - Polispajupplagan
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2414
Best posters on this board
Nepalis look like this?
Why do we idealize swedes and russians for the boyish features...
Why yes, I'm a Portuguese white racist. How could you tell?
I suffer in Europe
These are the three greatest philosophers and thinkers of our time
No one replies to my posts
I've just come home from voting, having done my research just about two hours before going
You wake up in England
Powerful....deeply moving
This is my land
She's a 10/10 in my country
What's the most depressing city you've ever been?
Are Africans better integrated in Portugal than elsewhere in the West?
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Germany is God's gift to the world
Distribution of Germans in Europe
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
When did Zig Forums start hating America and why?
Wtf is wrong with Kazakhs?
Is he good looking in your country
My favorite greek god? Hephaestus, I really connect with his story
Yo what country is this bros?
Did...did we lose to Brazilians?
Sverigetråden - Söndagsupplagan
Sverigetråden bojkott av saltå kvarn-upplagan
My gf just sent me this picture
What went wrong?
/desi/- Your Fly is Down edition
Imagine if all the women in the world were Japanese girls
What is it with nazis and pedophilia?
Why is Tibet so low IQ?
I found a way to bypass the ban
I pray every night for the collapse of the United States of America
/großdeutschland/ ehemals /deutsch/
I want to have sex with Asian girl's silky beautiful black hair
Do nords really look down at us meds like this?
/ita/ - il filo
/ישר/ - /isr/
Come to Sweden
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
My crush started smoke weed and dance twerk in tiny shorts (showing 95% of her ass) and post it in soc media
I don't get it
Why do so many Europeans have a milf/gilf fetish?
Imagine living in Finland, literally R*ddit the country
Is this true in your country
Why do Latinx Americans feel a stronger bond to Spanish conquistadors than the natives?
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
Dumb foreigners will never know how awesome is to live in Brazil
Tokyo alone >>> whole Korea
Did you have fun today at school oniisan?
As MENAs and Europeans we really really hate each other
A question to all brits
Board is called Zig Forums - International
Roman Emperors thread
Why is French culture so sexual?
Fuck you
Today I discovered my beloved "fricateles" are German and not Chilean
Is it true that Europeans see each other as completely different people or something? For instance...
/lat/ - hilo latino
How are far-right girls in your cunt?
Imagine not having a spanish bf
We should get rid of them
What do Poles think about Northeastern Poland? What happens there?
Post your recommended topics on youtube
Imagine not having a spanish gf
Sverigetråden matgeekupplagan
Do they really?
Russia in 2022
America made PC, Xbox and Atari
If the Soviet union sucked so much, why does all the boomer that lived in it want it back?
Why are people on this board so keen to fall in love with schizoid, mentally unstable femcels with extremely low esteem...
I always thought Germans were supposed to look like us Scandinavians, but when I went to Berlin...
/fr/ - Le Francofil
1) country
/wilhelm/ ehemals /deutsch/
The Queen of Zig Forums
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why south korea is so superior? Dude?
/ita/ - il filo
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Are tall women considered cute in your country?
The last homogeneous countries in the world (85%+ of people from the same stock)
Kurva anyátok
Is it true they miss communism? Tell me why or why not
I don't understand they are all white and are the same in terms of genetics, yet they can't get along with each other?
This is the next President of the Philippines
/desi/-Untouchability is a sin edition
Does pic related really exist, or is it just an Zig Forums meme?
What a meme country
What does a gigachad look like in you're cunt?
When his flag has yellow on it
Tell me your problems
How common are they in your cunt?
How do you say "family" in your country?
Sverigetråden uppsala-upplagan
Lets do business with China. The more prosperous China becomes, the more its people will demand democratic norms!
/Reichsbürger/ ehemals /deutsch/
The olmec fears the plains chad
Check out the so called evidence stormfags use to claim jews want to exterminate whites
1) country
Innocent Britbongs
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
Makes me think
Why do we generally think that we are superior to southeast asian and discriminate them?
Which country has the worst women?
The Saxon man is the ultimate power in the universe, the central driver of the current epoch in human history...
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Indians come to NZ and sell this to us
How come they get no respect from their Muslim bros
Arabs are subhumans. If all inbred arab shitholes got nuked the world would become a much better place
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
Who the fuck defined vietnam souteast asian country? Vietnam is geographically east asian and ofcourse culturally too
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Daily Turkish planner:
/friedrich/ ehemals /deutsch/
Culture Pals /cp/
Whenever I look in foreign news I always see this? Why does the westoid do this?
You wake up in Spain
Mum starts asking when I'm going to move out
Basically the same arrogant chinks
Your honest opinion on reunification of Germany
Does god exist
Kurva anyátok
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
What do you mean you're not proud of your ancestors for killing millions of humans...
Post yourself if you were anime
Why are Americans so much more racist than Europeans?
Do you think you have a high IQ?
Your country?
Are suburbs with 1 acre plots the ideal form of dwelling?
Sometimes I feel like they just LARP as muslim...
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Pakistani femboys
Whitiods/Westiods are insecure of us, Asians
How the fuck did China develop so fast bros
The BBC meme was invented by a Portuguese user back in 2015
African Americans are hated by Africans
Why are Mexicans so fat?
Seriously though, are they good or bad for the world? I'm scared bros
Mom starts asking me when I'm getting a girlfriend
Why do Chinks, Singporeans, Japs, Koreans are living in 10 sq feet apartments?
France has fallen
Why do Asians find this behavior attractive?
Trumps shortlist for Supreme Court Justice is literally Zig Forumsernational...
1800s Japanese depiction of the Revolutionary War. Here we see George Washington and Benjamin Franklin
What interesting Zig Forumsernational facts did you learn here?
/lang/ - language learning general
I'm officially done with wh*Te women and I wanted to tell my Zig Forumsbros
Religion is perfectly designed for Sudanese people. It absolves a person of responsibility for personal outcomes...
My lunch desu :3
What happened to terrorists?
I am a pagan man, try to convert me to Christianity or to your religion
Post memes about your own country
Communism is so evil
/lat/ - hilo latino
So why the fuck are logograms still used?
Why is japan so much better at everything?
Ur cunt
Spends everyday posting pictures of black cocks on your board
Current temperatures map
I can not think of a better world leader than General Secretary Xi Jinping
Do they use chinese too?
Ukraine women
I can eat some 18yo veryqt brazilian ass
What the hell is wrong with India...
Itt post the most famous person from your country
Why is Zig Forums so gay
How are transgender people treated in your country?
Have you ever had a surgery?
Sverigetråden - Jimpans Upplaga
The most beautiful women in the world are Ukrainian
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/lat/ - Hilo latino
How do you sleep?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/Mex/ - Hilo Mexicano
Grandma caught me fapping
N....not t...true communism!!
The mentality Zig Forums needs
Brazilian roommate is crying but I don't really want to ask him what's wrong
/fr/ - le francofil
Your native nationality
I am a real girl
The self hating American who sucks Euro Dick so he won't be called a mutt
Music thread
/nachtschicht/ - ehemals - /deutsch/
Live in rural german town
/ita/ - il filo
You wake up in Croydon. What are your next actions?
Would you be willing to fight for your country?
/ישר/ - /isr/
Please stop portraying us a manly men. This is what most of us meds look like
Where did they go?
What is the one thing you find embarrassing about your country?
Who are your country's 2 best friends ?
Why would anyone prefer Chinese hegemony to American hegemony?
Europeans don't go to sleep! PLEASE NOOOOOOOOO!!
Are alt girls common in your cunt?
White bros
Say something nice about my country please
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
The Netherlands is the Japan of Europe
/fr/ - le francofil
What happens here
How do ethnics cope
Is tik the most intelligent british man alive?
Is it true that the BLACK man is KING in Islam?
Do you love your country?
Communism doesn't wor-
6-10 years ago there were lots of cigarette smoking girls with sweaters, messy hair and tired eyes...
Tfw no californian gf
Being black in the suburbs is like living life on very hard mode
1000 years of history
Why are these guys so nice?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why there such a huge disconnect between diaspora African-Americans and Africans online?
Why are the uneducated/southern Americans males so attractive and manly?
How are the European flags here so skilled in writing English?
Kurva anyátok
Why do nords and meds hate eachother again?
/ita/ il filo
Is it true Russian women are number one gold diggers on planet?
/somatråden/ #8 /norgetråden/
The Czech Republic is wealthier than Spain and Portugal
>Anglo autism
/ישר/ - /እስራ/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ - /isr/ + חברים
Which culture is richer? Russian or Brazilian?
I don't get it
You're all richfags
Tfw no swedish bf
Sverigetråden - 7/10 upplagan
Could i pass as a local in your country
/v4/ and friends
/brit /
Tell me about Iceland, Zig Forums. Besides the meme tourist traps, is the real culture interesting?
Are Europeans worried about mass African migration to their continent?
I have a Greek name
French people are addicted to this shit, and I'm not exception. What's the equivalent in your country?
/fr/ le fil francofil
Do you love Japan? Do you love Japanese women? Do you want a Japanese girlfriend?
What is tinder like in ur cunt?
The Dutch brutally suppressed the Indonesian independence movement for four years after WW2 resulting in tens of...
What happened to the user who went to the Russian embassy in Uruguay?
Thoughts on Uruguayans?
Dont bully spaniards, thank you very much
Erasmus = euro fuck and suck
Zig Forums drawing thread
Say something nice about my country please
Moving to Russia?
Did you know about the blue card?
African Americans believe Beethoven was black
VGH... what could have been
If this post gets 20 replies I'll walk to the Russian embassy with a picture of monkey Putin
What happened with these guys? Did reddit manage to save them from the chinese government?
Be Britoid
Sverigetråden - Megalodons upplaga
Blacked countries
Why are americans so fucking retarded
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
I hate j*panese women
What is Ireland like? I have a friend that lives there, maybe I will spend some time there
/ita/ - il filo
Many Poles are either condescending or negative towards Ukrainians, which pains me...
Is it true that latinos are the biggest flirts and the most romantic people in the world?
The Englishman 10,000 years ago
Ruins your Youtube comment section
/fr/ - Le pédofil
This is scary
Does Europe really work this way?
Kurva anyátok
/ישר/ - /እስራ/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ - /isr/ + חברים
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine