What even is the difference between a clan name and family name
Did Turks, Iranians, Afghans and Pakis use Arabic naming conventions before Western influence?
Did India not have a different form? Or Thailand?
we used purple like iceland
You retard the map is edited. Finland and Estonia are originally dark green.
It's edited. Dumb attention whore.
Can you give an example?
iceland uses
name + fathers name + dottir or sson daughter-son
turks used same
your name + oglu kızı (son-daughter) + your fathers name
>my name? Alejandro Pinar Heredero de la Fuente Castellano Ruiz Santísima Trinidad de la Cierva Vicente Caballero Hernández Ramos Molina Guerrero José Francisco Matamoros del Río Álvarez de León y Olivares
>autistic german can't take a joke
How deos red work?
Hello my name is pang
I couldn't draw the Finnish panhandle at the Swedish border. The original map features no border between Sweden and Finland.
Pang who?
So like Ahmet Oglumehmet?
They just don't have last names
I have 3 surnames where do I fit in that
How do Brazilians last names work? We use the same as Spain
I have one Indonesian friend and his name is level "Crimegeo" and I thought it was a joke at first because his name was "Crime Geo" on Facebook (well not this name exactly, but close) but when he showed his passport later I didn't realize it's just one name and I was confused how that is even possible.
i knew an arab guy who's surname could go all the way back to the 1700's
there's no defined way by law, but it's usually given name + one of your mother's surname + one of your father's surname
For North Indian Hindus, it is given name and family name, variations exist.
For South Indian Hindus, it is given name with father's name and family name. Father's name and family name often initialized.
I wonder why in Portuguese the mother's goes first
Red doesn't seem to be right.
Bhutani king is named Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk.
His father was Jigme Singye Wangchuk
This, that cycle of South Indian Hindus having given name + patrynomic only ended in my family when I was born back in India and he gave me a Western-style name legally so that it would work well in America.
It's clan influence shared between Indo-European influenced societies, likely. That's why the Dravidian South is different
Mehmetoglu, but yeah.
not a turk but i think it would have been ahmet mehmetoğlu
Yep. Although in older times the pattern might have been like the insular Celtic one (X mac/ap Y etc.), I don't know.
Formerly Wangsneed
>like the insular Celtic one (X mac/ap Y etc.)
I mean "personal name - son/daughter of - patronym", in that sequence (like old Welsh and Gaelic names - Gwyn ap Nudd, Fionn mac Cumhail etc),