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International #1357
What's your favorite season in your country?
I suffer in suomi
Looks like a light skinned nafri
/fr/ le francofil
Based. Every country in Europe should be 100% red
Are these the most bullied countries on Zig Forums?
Do you support this?
It's impossible to suffer in First World countries when it's full of cuties everywhere...
This is my ancestor
Take EU gibs
/urin/ ehemals /deutsch/
Wow white boi, relax
Be real, would you want a spanish gf?
Post your university
Amerilards measure their butter in sticks
I'm at Ikea right now
Did the SOVLiet Union really lose the cold war?
Why are they like this? Do people claim other people’s history in your country?
/ישר/ /isr/ - מהדורת הסינים באים
/Balt/ + /ausnz/
Sverigetråden - GNU-upplagan
How do we save white people ?
I pronounce Barcelona with a lisp
Is youtube working in your country?
Why do Russians hate each other?
Is yoube down in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
You wake up looking like Dolph Lundgren in your cunt
Parma, Italy
Sverigetråden - Negerupplagan
During the unification of Germany in the 19th century...
/med/ - Mediterranean general
My parents disowned me because I told them left Islam tonight...
Your country
So since Western Europe will become a Brazil tier shithole within the next 50 years, where can white refugees go...
Are white people the best looking race?
Do other countries also eat bread in every meal?
British people be like "That's some proper nosh innit"
Why did Jesus have to die, lads?
I suffer in belgium,israel,sweden,ireland
Should I get out of the US because of this?
/ita/ - il filo
Does France even understand the concept of religion? Delusional
Is it true that australian culture gets more american for every year?
Zig Forums's morning routine
How are you holding up, bros?
Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars is a good mix?
Firsties don't eat rice every day
What country originally invented elves?
What's your favorite anime/manga?
If God exists why does he allow this to happen?
I'm depressed
/tr/ - pasifgay erdem alsırt edition
You wake up in Europe
Kurva anyátok
/lat/ - hilo latino
There is not a single first world country that doesnt have blue on its flag
What are some autistic things you do in your country...
It's another cold morning
How multicultural is your country?
Have you ever heard a gun shot fired that's not at the shooting range?
Is South India really that different from North India? How so?
Where am I from Zig Forums?
Let's help the Japaanese
Not int user here
Both China and USA have quantum computers. Why doesnt Europe have one?
This is future of europe
Where can I find more sources of "insider" informaton related to Mexican drug cartels in english? Similar to this guy:
Do you hate Japan?
/lang/ - language learning general
Will you get the covid vaccine?
Have you ever met an American? How was it?
White cock NO
Green salsa? No thanks, I'll have the red salsa, please
How gay is your country?
Reminder that the IRA is a terrorist organisation...
/dixie/ - Southern US & a Basque
Are singaporeans just chinese in denial?
Polynesians are the same race as filipinos
Do meds really?
/fr/ Le fil de la francophony
/lat/ hilo latino
I wish it was socially acceptable to do this in my country
Which race is the most incel race?
Ethnically, Lenin identified as Russian. Service described Lenin as "a bit of a snob in national...
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
How the hell do you pronounce this city?
1. You are cunt
Your country
Is Brazil the most developed mulatto nation?
America has no cultural influ-
Solar Power
What's your opinion on Australia?
Why do Easterners like seafood so much?
They literally did nothing wrong
City thread
I wish it was socially acceptable to do this in my country
My ancestry? german-portuguese
I have never met a german that likes their country
Why are we so evil, whites of Zig Forums?
Who gave my parents corona virus? Who is responsible?
/clownpiece/ - zur - /nachtschicht/ - ehemals - /deutsch/
What do canadians do to not get bored?
Sverigetråden - Pressbyråupplagan
Pick your fighter
How come brown dudes are possessive of their gfs/wives? Don’t you trust them to not cheat on you?
Why did Westerners collectively decide to ruin their countries?
What're they hiding in the cube?
/ita/ - il filo
Post meme identities
Do people in your country capitalise the word Black?
Does Zig Forums know that germans came to Colombia in 1862 and there is one state(Santander) where people are majority...
I wonder how I would get away with i my outfit in your city?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Do you love american girl?
Do girls like you in your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Ylvaupplagan
Let's settle it once and for all
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
/Balt/ + /ausnz/
This girl has a black boyfriend
Why is China so perfect bros?
These religions are pure fascism
Post pictures of your military
How do you feel about that blonde people will eventually become extinct
I love Sweden
Rooms of Zig Forums
What would you say is the most dominant or “capital” country of the EU?
Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars is a good mix?
Why do 90% Chicanos LARP as blacks?
Guess the country
How do rich people show off in your country?
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Imagine a world without abrahamic religions
What are some "cultural differences" you've heard about a country that you'd never accept as normal, even if you tried?
Do students arrange nazi parties in your country?
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Daily reminder sweden raped germany
Do you like turkey?
My country bought the russian vaccine
There are cities in California that are majority asian
Could its breakup have been prevented?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Americans really live to consume pop culture?
This is the most retarded country on the planet
How would a french annexation of spain be thought of in spain and france?
I suffer in toronto
/ita/ - il filo
Why is this board so fucking gay?
How come no one cares about this country?
/nachtschicht/ - ehemals - /deutsch/
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Be American
Best MENA country bar none
Why do mutts idolize soldiers (or as they call them: "marines")?
Why cant they just become a single nation? same culture, same language (besides portugal), same religion...
Spaniards how do you live knowing you ransacked and destroyed the most glorious indigenous empire in the world?
What happens here? Tell me about this place
At what height are you considered 'king of manlets' in your country?
Poland is our new ally
Choose your Zig Forums international girl
Would you rather live in Seattle or Vancouver?
/frosch/ ehemals /deutsch/
/nederdraad/ /VOETENDRAAD/ /brit/
How do Scandinavianx think about the appropriation of their culture by series like Vikings or AC Valhalla?
Germans, I
1. Your country
What are your top 10 ancient sample matches on MyTrueAncestry?
Slipping into inceldom?
Sverigetråden - Våldsamma upplagan
Are you a wagie?
Is the national IQ rapidly dropping in your country?
How artificial are these? Why are there two Castilles? Why are Murcia and Cantabria a thing...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Which is the worlds most woke country?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
/ita/ - il filo
I am R1b
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2479
Dumb Zig Forums music
India LOVE Thread
The "european union" caused the 2008 global financial crisis
Did you grow up being handsome or ugly?
/touhou/ + /saufi/ ehemals /deutsch/
When will germans apologize to italians for destroying it?
Your cunneeh?
Who in your country is evil in your opinion?
Did your country ever destroy a whole empire? Mine did
/fr/ - francoco
Sverigetråden - Pekoras upplaga
Why does Spain like bullfighting so much?
Women have no boobs and look like men:
You wake up in a school class in Bergen Norway. How would you cope?
We can bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old
Searching porn from this region
Lebanon has no Arab genes. Very few speak Arabic in Lebanon
/touhou/ & /soja/ - ehemals - /deutsch/
Is your penis size larger than the small setting in Cyberpunk?
/lat/ hilo latino
/desi/-Thiruvannamalai temple edition
Your country?
I will never get European bf
What do you guys think of Trinidad and Tobago?
1. Your country
/ita/ - il filo
OMG I fucking LOVE travelling! What do you mean I can use Street View and watch YouTube videos of whatever country I...
This is why Poland prospers while your shithole doesn't
Half Black Half White Actress
I suffer in Suomi
/soyhous/ - ehemals - /deutsch/
Comfy Zig Forums thread
Sverigetråden För Svenskar I Tiden
Every single prostitute I visit is Romanian
/Balt/ + /ausnz/
Does this happen in your country?
Italians are latinos, not arabs
Why won't they ever have our backs?
Life is really hard in Eastern Europe but I am glad I am living here because it made me better man...
Why don't other Asian countries have a developed adult film industry like Japan?
The most famous place in india is the mausoleum of a muslim invader
Why do the Japanese heavily use schoolgirls in their marketing campaigns...
Why aren't there millions of latrinos moving to Spain?
What's the ugliest building in your country?
Would you live in Australia?
Why do people even immigrate to Australia? Boring nature, no music, no food, full of asian immigrants...
These two countries are TRUE BROTHERS
What girls who use Zig Forums like in your cunt? Have you ever met any?
Answer the question Zig Forums
How do we isolate Poland from the rest of the world?
Speaking hypothetically of course...
/ita/ - il filo
/protohou/ ehemals / deutsch/
Im 24 yo and I never had a gf, I have zero friends and serious mental issues
New Chilean constitution
What will happen to the Bongs after No-Deal Brexit?
Why do Asian women prefer white men over Asian men. We need an honest conversation about this instead of just coping
Sverigetråden vaccinupplagan
Do Americans really?
Which nationality you think looks better on average, germanics or celtics?
Why are Americans like this
Italians use different kinds of pasta while in Greece these variations are seen as childish and nobody uses them
/fr/ - le francofil
This is a new school in an Estonian town with a population of 5k
Wait a fucking second
Why do french portray italians with brown skin?
Ten ways YOU can help make a success for Britain
/ישר/ - /isr/
How can we even compete?
I'm a far left independentist that lives in the best city of the world, Barcelona
In this very moment there are 208,539,060 people living in Nigeria
Did you know we have ROADS?
Does Brazil really?
Hello kill me please
/ita/ - il filo
Do you guys understand each other?
ITT British demons apologize for Dresden and Mers-El-Kebir
Do you have girls in your general?
Your flag
1. Cunt
/deutsch/ uuuuuuu
Sex tourism culture
Itt post your countrys ugliest phenotype
How can someone celebrate christmas in summer? How can someone be happy thinking about the joy of christmas tree...
/brit/ - true language edition
Your country
/v4/ + friends
In Brazil all leftists hate to pay taxes. Do this happen in your country too...
Why do so many people who are Christians believe that salvation can only come from the Jews?
Greeks ruled the world
What is it with japs and having unbelievably horrible english...
Are you ready for snowfall?
Poznan June 2020
Greeks are the only Europeans who conquered India. They are still seething at Greeks to this day
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Black lucia in sweden gets bullied. does this happen your cunt?
Would you date a female version of yourself?
Greece is the most militarized country on earth. In Greece, in order to become an adult...
I'm only attracted to chinese/korean/japanese women and I'm tired of pretending I'm not...
/mena/ Middle East North Africa General
Kurva anyátok
No sugar, no milk
Do you have werahboos in your country?
Elenovich Morozovsk
The eternal debate
Isn't it bad enough being a thirdie? Why do we insult them?
How come we make yuros seethe so much simply by existing
What advice would you give to Zig Forums frens visiting your country?
/Balt/ + /ausnz/
/desi/-I am a Kids lover edition
Download tinder
Why don't Euros watch more than one sport?
How bad is the street shitting problem in India really?
Do you personally know a current politician from your country?
In my veins run blood Celt, and in yours user?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Americans are converting former public buildings into housing
Please love ASEAN
Tfw when no psycho Saudi gf
The only fucking way India could ever compete with China is to become a top-down Hindu Fascist state or a Communist...
How are white latinos like me treated in your country?
Opinions about the best empires in America?
So did people actually do this to each other back in the day? If you did this to somebody now...
Would you an american gf?
Why does everybody in my neighborhood look like this?
Latin American civilization is literally the best kind of civilization
/lat/ Hilo Latino
Sverigetråden - arla morgonstund
In which climate do you live?
What national stereotype do you fulfill?
For the latinos on Zig Forums, is it normal to be a virgin in your cunts...
I hope India becomes communist so they take all the brahmins and shoot them in the head
Does your country produce video games?
Will anyone from Zig Forums go to heaven when they die?
Is American cuisine popular in your country?
Is the average European woman a humble traditional hardworking loyal wife that cooks good food and takes good care of...
Latinas are the most attractive wom-
Why do Westerners want to be Buddhist?
Think you could beat us in a war?
Im black
Why are all American posters like this?
Are transsexuals treated better in latinx countries than in the west? Do they kill themselves less often?
Why are indians like this?
1. flag
What’s the best country for sex tourism?
Fuck you Poland. This shit sucks and it’s all your fault
Can Cartels Beat the Police in Mexico?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
I want to beat up a brazilian
Do you like your national flag ?
Which do you like better, Tokyo or Kyoto?
Mr. Tanaka, who is retiring tomorrow, is invincible
Is there anyone 25 or over on this board?
/lat/ Hilo Latino
Secularism? No bro that's degenerate and is disgusting...
Who wins the Cheese War?
Ask anything to a Chinese guy in Brazil
Asking all South Slavs: is she a native Yugoslav or a gypsy?
This is London, England. Why are the English people so brown and using this religious clothes...
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
24% of Muslim Youth Are Leaving Islam
Does your country have tall blonde volleyball gigastacy types, Zig Forums?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
/mex/ - hilo mex
Realistically, whats stopping them from coming together and forming a lxtxnx union...
Are there any significant cultural differences between them?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le francofil nocturne
ITT: Post Ugly Flags
In my veins run blood roman, and in yours user?
I'm curious how I would get away with in this outfit in your country?
What is Zig Forums's favorite takeout?
Crown Prince of Portugal
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/lat/ Hilo Latino
Are you circumcised?
2nd World
Europe just got dabbed on
Where do I find girls with this pedotype?
It's impossible to be happy without a gf. Fact
Whats the most cringe political party in your country?
Modern day borders over year 1330 europe map
/deutsch/ Schwarzer Panther Edition
What's his name in your country?
Why yes, I am from Galicia, Ukraine. How can you tell?
Gave sandwich of ham and cheese to muslim kid
Crown prince of Morocco
What are the societal repercussions of men under 6 foot no longer being able to reproduce?
Behold: finnish high culture
Has anything changed since then?
Sverigetråden - bajs i sängen
Post the most American thing u have
/ita/ - il filo
Muslim bros
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Insult me in your language
Would you like to find love in Colombia?
Your country
Are Americans really like this?
Entry engineer wage in france : 32k euros
Do people in your country differentiate Romanians and Romanis?
What's your dick size?
Why can't women cook
/saufi/ ehemals /deutsch/
Do you like Mexico and Brazil?
Jesus fucking Christ, are you ok Argentinanons?
Americans bad because they kick their kids out at 18
Degree thread
Life has no meaning anymore bros
You are wasting the best years of your life here
Which culture has the most influential and relevant mythology in 2020 and why is it the USA?
/esp/ - Hilo español
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
No shared language
90% of CHIs fully assimilate to black culture
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
I am 32 and never received a blowjob from a woman
Are you supporting the Polish economy?
Why are they so aggressive?
Armenia should be this big
What are Italians thoughts on him?
Have a call with a girl
/Balt/ + /ausnz/
Name 5 things you would do as president to fix this country
Americans make their children pledge allegiance to their country every morning
Let me tell you which country is white!
Could have established british like dominions which evolved into first world nations and where the people still feel...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine