I'm a far left independentist that lives in the best city of the world, Barcelona

I'm a far left independentist that lives in the best city of the world, Barcelona.

I will answer any questions you have.

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What's your opinion on Tarragona? A friend of mine is from there.

1. how old are you?
2. are you communist?
3. why do you want independence?
4. assuming Catalonia did get independence, would you want to stay in the EU?

Do you sometimes venture into the VOXcel slums of rural Castille to make them butthurt?

Would you rather hang or stand against the wall?

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does your mom know youre gay?

why do you post things like this? spaniards are the first ones who call you a sudaca

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It is a very comfy place, with good natural places. You have a good beach and a mountain really close. However, the centralism is destroying the area (they have a huge petrochemical plant there which emits harmful gases, they have a nuclear plant, they want to create a new Orlando style park)

From my point of view, it is a place that is totally forgotten. And so without speaking of the delta de l'ebre.

I'm 25, working as engineer
I would not consider myself a communist
I think all the nations have the right of selfdetermination
No, i don't want to be part of the biggest neoliberal group in the world.